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logan quickly slipped a cigarette between his teeth as he walked away from the buttercup townhouse. his shoulders were tense but soon slouched with the first drag of tobacco goodness. nicotine surged, neurons sung in pleasure, blood pumped to the beat of a forgotten, drug-induced melody. he smirked in ecstasy as he blew a stream of hazy smoke through his thin lips.

the blond wandered through the streets of his hometown, feet retracing forgotten paths and eyes beholding forgotten sights. memories flooded through his mind one by one, flashes of faces and whispers of names left behind. years of crazy pranks, of mindless dating, of reckless living passed before his eyes and he cracked a small smile.

logan's wandering led him to a familiar restaurant, a cruddy burger joint turned popular dining spot. he smirked at the bright green building and the large burger sign. he took another drag of his cigarette and stared into the busy restaurant.

louise wrinkled her nose as the smell of cigarettes wafted into the restaurant by the open door. a cool breeze followed; a rarity of oceanside, today was an unusually cool day for summer. the sun was hidden behind multiple clouds that looked like strips of melted marshmallows.

years ago, the joint was practically empty. but now the booths and the bar were full of hungry folk looking for a greasy supplement. dropping his cigarette onto the sidewalk and grinding it into the cement with his converse, logan strode into the restaurant.

he looked around at the unfamiliar faces before sitting on a red patent leather stool at the bar. he looked over to the chalkboard, chuckling at the day's special:  'kind of a big dill.' his ears perked at the sound of the kitchen door opening and a small female figure rushing out with five plates balanced on her arms.

he reverted his gaze back to the wall, reading over different options. his hands twiddled with a large mug, fingers tracing over the ceramic handle and skimming over the logo on the side.

he was brought back to the surface by the waitress,

"hey buddy, you want coffee?"

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