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louise belcher was a good f*cking dancer. 

logan saw her from the bar. her tank was off, revealing a black bra with thick racerback straps. her jean shorts hung low on her bare hips as she swiftly turned to the bass of some song that logan had never heard before. 

he was lost in her, drinking her up like liquor, sucking on her like candy. she was strands of black licorice and lemon drops and sour faces. she was dancing to a drunken melody, logan could see it in her dark eyes.

louise trailed off towards him at the bar. glassy eyes widened at the blue lights flashing across logan's pale face. his eyes looked like melted glaciers, puddles of icy blue dye. she giggled as he pulled her close, turning her head to watch a group of drunk teenagers rush by. 

his hands had found her hips, hers on the back of his neck. his fingers dragged up the sides of her abdomen, chills flowering as his cold fingers swirled into her clammy caramel skin.

"where's your shirt?" louise shrugged, removing a hand from his neck to point. logan watched her fingers twitch.

"eh, somewhere....somewhere out there." she giggled again and logan almost croaked when her head fell against his chest. louise smiled widely as his body tensed. with a quick tug on his hand, louise was walking towards the center of the party with logan in tow.

he blinked at the large mass of people dancing in the center of the room. and louise dove them straight into the center. logan felt underwater, trying to gasp air in a pool of sweat and alcohol. he could feel a million and one bodies colliding into him like meteors, pelting rain on his back and digging into his pale skin.

but as louise started grinding on him the rain stopped and he felt sunshine on his face. it was warm and made his face feel sticky as he started to dance with her. his sun kissed hands found her hips again and his eyes closed. his head rested on top of hers, and he deeply breathed in the scent of cinnamon apples and good mistakes.

logan bush knew what love was. he knew of love and life, but he was well acquainted with the prickling of pain and the agony of loss. 

but in that moment logan was best friends with happiness and g*dd*mnit he didn't want to lose her.

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