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"it's a, uh," louise chuckled nervously, "funny story, really..."

she figured it was about time that she hopped off the counter, landing soundlessly on the tiled floor. she pushed past logan to stand in front of her parents, their faces still flushed with anger.

"well? you gonna spit it out, or what?" linda seethed, moving her hands to grasp her hips tightly. louise refrained from rolling her eyes, feeling a small blush warm her cheeks. though suddenly she felt her mouth go dry. she stared wide-eyed at her parents, lips parted to try and expel words but nothing would come.

"it's my fault," logan interjected suddenly, coming to stand next to louise, "these guys have been tryin' to jump me for a couple weeks now, and they saw me come in here to see louise and this...all just...sorta happened." his smile was meek and almost resembled a small grimace.

bob looked at his daughter and could tell that wasn't the truth. in this moment she was incredibly vulnerable, emotionally raw, unable to hide the fact that logan's story was complete bullsh*t. but he just gave a sigh,

"c'mon lin, they can clean up down here," he looked at logan specifically, "if it's not cleaned up by opening i'm gonna come after you both with a spatula." logan scoffed lightly but louise hushed him,

"don't laugh, he'll do it," she muttered quickly, almost shuddering from the distant memories of her dad chasing after her with his spatula after he caught her sneaking out with a bottle of wine from the family cabinet. "of course, dad. we'll have this place cleaner than when you first got it, which says a lot considering the photos of this dump back in the nineties." louise meant to walk past toward the door but her mom stepped forward and interjected,

"no, no! bob, we're not just gonna let this slide! where are you going, missy, we're not done talkin' about this mess!" louise rolled her eyes and kept walking, growling over her shoulder,

"i gotta f*cking piss and, oh, i don't know, maybe clean the blood that's not mine off my body. is that okay, linda?" louise slid easily out of the restaurant and up the unlocked stairwell to the family apartment. she was relieved that no one followed her, even logan.

she entered the small bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her. the fluorescent light flickered with a small press on the switch, casting a bright haze over her dark features. she turned her head to look in the mirror, finding her face blotched with red and pink, her lips still swollen, hair and clothing messy.

the smile came to her lips instinctually. she liked the smile, the look in the mirror. she looked fearless, wild, in pursuit of something much greater than herself. and she supposed she was, though the thought that logan berry bush was greater than her made her feel both childishly annoyed and hopelessly lovesick.

she really hoped not to vomit at her own thoughts but lifted the toilet seat up just in case, moving back to the mirror to begin wiping at the small bits of blood and spit on her skin. the smile wouldn't go away, no matter how hard she tried.


"what are we gonna do about her, bob? she's out of control!"

"mrs. belcher, all due respect, but maybe you just think that 'cause you don't, like, get her." logan resumed a strong stance as linda squared off with him. he refrained any sudden movements, like a deer in headlights, or a fly buzzing around a venus fly trap. looking into the dark eyes of linda belcher, logan could see just where louise got her superpower of instilling the fear of god into mere mortals like himself.

"excuse me?" she scoffed increduously. "why don't you shut the trap and get cleanin'!?"

"well, h-he's got a point, lin," bob stuttered quickly, closing his eyes as his wife quickly huffed in anger, "you and louise haven't gotten along for a long time now, and you yelling at her every chance you get isn't really helping, is it?" linda felt the color leave her cheeks quickly, suddenly calming from the anger and adrenaline. her shoulders slumped a bit,

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