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"so are you gonna go to the concert with me or not? you've been avoiding an answer for hours now!" anita exclaimed as she moved forward in line, pulling along phone-clad louise, whose eyes hadn't lifted from the d*mn screen in several moments. the woman in question, bunny ears and all, finally met her best friend's gaze with a small smirk.

"anita, i haven't been answering because i hate the music you like. and you know that," louise stated with an amused smile pinching her cheeks, tucking her phone into her back pocket. she chuckled at anita's eyeroll, stepping forward once more in line.

"okay, it's not classical or country so cool it, lou. it's this new alternative band or something, you'll love them. i know it!" louise tilted her head to the side, rolling her own eyes as anita brought her hands up in mock prayer, "please, please please come with me, louise belcher!"

louise remained steadfast and silent, quite used to this sort of behavior from her older siblings. specifically in this moment, she was reminded of tina, her older sister, calling the eve of her eighteenth birthday to help her sneak back into the house after a 'wild' night out. though in reality, jimmy from across the street had snuck her into the town library after hours. how thrilling, though she agreed to help her out. she was family, after all.

"alright, alright! i'll go to the stupid concert with you." anita cheered as louise relented. the attendant signalled for the pair to take the next seat; the two abliged, pulling down the restraint and giving a quick nod to begin the ride.

they suddenly jolted forward, the metal frame cranking and whining around them as they ascended. when the attendants were out of sight, louise grabbed a worn pack of cigarettes from her pocket, but her lighter was missing; anita was quick to provide one.

"those things are awful for you," anita whispered softly, glancing along the coast of ocean city as louise sat next to her, puffing on a menthol cigarette. anita's nose wrinkled in mock disgust. louise just rolled her eyes, swinging her legs gently as they sat, suddenly stopped, at the top of the old metal ferris wheel in the frighteningly popular wonder wharf

"a lot of things are bad for you," louise grumbled, leaning forward to rest her arms on the safety bar. she leaned her head onto her left arm, gazing over anita's profile in the dwindling sunlight. "cigarettes, alcohol, boys," she spit, rolling her eyes, "yet mass media markets them as f*cking wonderful."

"yeah, f*ck the mass media," anita agreed after a moment, grabbing the cigarette from louise's (already) outstretched hand and taking a long puff. she smiled after. "but unlike you, i actually like menthol cigarettes."

"how am i friends with you?" louise asked with a sarcastic smile.

"i ask myself that every day." the pair smiled at each other though their eyes drifted apart. anita offered the cigarette back to louise but she shook her head and laid her head back on her arm. the ferris wheel suddenly jolted back into movement, beginning their slow descent. "you better put that out before the attendants see you."

"i'll tell them it was yours," anita stated quickly, taking a long drag off, trying to finish the d*mn thing.

"it's in your hand, they won't believe you," louise replied with a small roll of her eyes, smirking as anita quickly threw the cigarette over the side of their seat. the pair laughed as someone on the ground let out a yelp. anita turned to face louise just as their seat passed the exit landing to turn toward the top once more.

"so are you gonna tell me about logan or what?" anita suddenly blurted out, moving some hair over her shoulder as she folded her legs up. louise tensed; she could feel the inquisitive gaze of her best friend on her face, though she kept her gaze rigidly forward. she sat up, leaning back against the seat. 

louise suddenly wanted to jump off the moving ride. she pushed against the safety bar but it didn't give, though she knew it wouldn't.

"things just...didn't work out," louise grumbled, finally, slouching back into the seat. anita sighed softly and wrapped an arm around her friend's shoulders. louise moved into her side, leaning her head back over anita's arm as she stared at the sky. 

"what an *sshole," anita concluded, following louise's line of sight. she didn't need the full story; sure, she wanted to know, but the look on louise's face had her curiosity silenced. their eyes caught on the few stars becoming apparent in the sky. louise managed a small laugh.

"i wish," she murmured, sitting up suddenly and turning to face her friend, "logan," even his name sent pain to her chest, "he's just got some problems he needs to work out before we can continue...whatever the h*ll we had."

"looked like love to me," anita wandered off with a small giggle as louise grunted, shifting away from her.

"that's what my dad said," louise snarled, glaring as anita continued to laugh. anita pretended to wipe a tear from her eye as her laughter subsided. 

"well, you looked happy, with him," anita softly stated, a wistful tone to her voice. her words fluttered into louise's ears calmly, like a silent lullaby. she didn't know what to say, metaphorically biting her tongue to keep the aggressive sarcasm at bay, physically biting her lips to keep her mouth from quivering. "i want you to be happy, lou."

i want to be happy too.


oh hey.

so...there was a bit of a pause in updating. sorry 'bout that. the new semester started so there's that bit of stress, and also, i was just not feeling this chapter. for like a whole month. it is such a filler for what is to come and, idk, it just doesn't feel right atm. 

but i figured i needed to post something for my faithful readers, who somehow still stick around to read this whenever i post.

wild concept. at least for me.

anyway, hopefully i'll be able to resume the old posting schedule of every friday, but imma be honest, it probably won't be. but as long as you have this book in your library or follow me, you'll get post notifications about it.

anyway, gotta go. my stomach is grumbling and i still have homework to do (d*mn liberal arts colleges and their philosophy requirement).

until next time my dear readers,


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