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long, fluff chapter for my dear readers, who endure a wait almost as long as a new season of sherlock (rlly hope someone understands this struggle) !


"four ears!" logan yelled over the music, coming to stand next to her, leaning an arm onto the tall table. louise resisted a smile at the crude nickname that she had kinda missed. she crossed her arms over her chest, a sudden need for another drink overcoming her. 

"logan," she stated curtly, nodding her head in recognition. she turned her head, trying to search the crowd for her mischevious friend but coming up empty; d*mn stupid height, d*mn tall people. as logan moved closer, now standing only a foot away, she could smell the alcohol and sweat on his skin. he only wore a pair of light blue jeans and a white tank, though she wished he hadn't; his arms seemed more tan and defined, and she wondered what he'd been up to in the last couple of months. she quickly averted her eyes back to the crowd, crossing an ankle over the other.

"lookin' for someone?" 

"no, just around," she muttered quickly, eyes catching on a familiar head of auburn hair. the head turned, pressed against long blonde hair, though louise knew who it was by the deep dimple in his cheek. 

"what!?" logan yelled, brushing louise's arm. she almost jumped back at the touch, somehow forgetting the idiot in front of her (it's not rude if it's true, she thought).

"i said, 'no!'" she then suddenly added, "get me a drink!" he smirked,

"what's your poison?" she bit her lip.

"just something strong, and not one of your gross *ss beers!" he rolled his eyes and walked away, and louise let out a long sigh she didn't realize she'd been holding in. she closed her eyes, let the base of the ridiculous techno music reverberate around her ribcage, slowly stretching up into her skull. she could feel a headache coming if she didn't get some alcohol in her system.

logan quickly returned with two gin and tonics by the smell and taste. louise gave a smile in thanks and resumed her stoic stance, eyes cast away from the tall blond now standing closer than before. he suddenly fell into her, knocking the drink from her hand. louise scowled fiercely as she tripped and fell to the floor, though she was thankful she opted for wearing jeans instead of her usual dress as the glass shattered next to and beneath her.

logan watched her arms come to shield her face instinctively and frowned slightly. when louise looked up he was right above her, a rough, open hand stretched out to help her back up. after a moment of thought, she took his hand and didn't really mind that he kept a firm grip on it after she regained her footing. he leaned down to her ear,

"some *sshole kids pushed into me, sorry about that," he revealed. she nodded slowly, breathing deeply to calm the wave of adrenaline that had quickly rushed through her, though her brows remained pulled together angrily.

"i'll break their f*cking legs, where are they?" she muttered darkly, scanning the surrounding area, her free hand forming a tight fist. logan was able to hear her threat and smirked, shaking his head,

"hey, four ears, it's fine, let's not get kicked out before we have a chance to dance," he breathed into her ear, smiling as she scoffed.

"what do you mean, 'dance?' that is so not happening, not with you!" she retorted. logan huffed loudly, painting a false look of pain on his face as he held a hand over his chest.

"wow, louise, that hurts! why not?!" she restrained a smirk.

"cause you'll embarrass me, bush! i got a reputation to uphold."

"oh please, you're just jealous--"

"jealous?! of what?!"

"of my amazing dance moves, that's what!" louise laughed loudly, leaning against the table once more. logan moved closer, their arms brushing.

"no, i'm not! if anything, you're jealous of me!"

"ugh, as if, louise!" she rolled her eyes. "alright, you know what? let's settle this right now, a dance-off. just you and me, belcher!"

"okay, i'm down. time to face the music and the facts, logan, that i've always been better than you!" she grabbed the drink from his hand and downed the rest quickly. they moved to the dance floor, louise pulling logan along behind her. the memory of months ago flashed before his eyes. no shirt, no cares, just the music and louise belcher. and when she looked over her shoulder at him with a soft smile, logan almost forfeited the competition then and there. he leaned down to her ear, 

"oh, louise, you have no idea what's coming, cause i'm gonna dance your pants off, and you're goin' down!" she swiftly turned to face him, their chests almost touching. louise's face was flush from alcohol, a smooth smirk coming to her lips.

"alright, slow your roll, bush. i've seen your dance moves, and if you're trying to swat a bug, you put in a real good effort with the crazy arms you do." logan huffed loudly and crossed his arms over his chest.

"there is no bug, it's called the 'windmill' and it's trendy. unlike your one dance move, grinding, which isn't dancing!"

"yes it is and you love it!"

"what guy wouldn't?!" louise rolled her eyes with a dramatic shake of her head, walking back a few steps and rolling her shoulders.

"oh my g*d, let's just get this over with." a small crowd had begun to form, and from the corner of louise's eye she saw anita, with the biggest smirk on her face, and her girlfriend ready to cheer her on. logan could see the auburn hair and frowned, jumping in place a bit to warm himself up. 

a new song started, another techno-club mix with a surprisingly okay beat. louise wasted no time, beginning to swing her hips to the base, moving into some dance moves anita and she had learned to replicate years ago from some movie. logan watched with a small smile, though shock was evident on his face as her movements became more complex. 

he was quick to join in as the base progressed, ringing slightly in his ears and thumping on his chest. his heartbeat was indistinguishable from the music as his body moved to the rythym, and louise laughed as he kept up with her pace. 

their dancing continued until louise pushed him back, finishing off the song with a back handspring that had the now large crowd going wild. logan stood, frozen in awe, as louise landed perfectly and finished with a smirking pose. he shook his head and put his hands up in defeat as the crowd roared for her win. she laughed loudly and threw her hands up in success. 

logan bows to her as if she's supreme, and to him, she really was, a goddess among mortals. they came together and shook hands, though logan, without thought, pulled her closer and placed a soft kiss to her smiling mouth.

and to his surprise, she immediately melted into it, her skin on fire. the crowd grew louder and there's a sudden spray of liquid falling on them. when the pair pulled apart they licked their lips, tasting the sweet flavor of a freshly-popped bottle of fizzing champagne. 

louise couldn't help but smile. through all the bullsh*t, the good and the bad, through everything, it's him. it's always been logan. 

they shared sweaty smiles, and louise felt the hum of her body once more, as if she was waking from a ten-year coma. she felt her heart thrumming in her chest, and with the wisps of hair at her temples stuck to her forehead, she placed a long kiss on logan's smiling lips. her hands grasped his shoulders softly, his own on her hips, fingers hooking into the belt loops of her jeans to move closer. they moved against each, melted into each other, finding each other once more after months of being apart. it was like their broken compasses had finally mended and brought them back to one another, brought them back home.

they broke apart as anita ran up to them through the dispersing crowd, wrapping an arm around each of them in drunken excitement. louise laughed along with her best friend, but logan's smile was only for louise. he couldn't look away, because it's always been her.

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