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one month later, more or less.

louise slipped her familiar black dress, the one with the tiny straps, over her head, pulling it over her abdomen to sit tightly around her hips and thighs. she adjusted the bust of the fabric, flipping her hair over both shoulders. a quick glance to the mirror.

she removed the dress.

a pair of high-rise blue jeans with homemade rips sounded more...appetizing to her. because they didn't really remind her of anyone, just herself. and she liked that.

she fastened a thick black belt around her waist to keep the jeans in place, and grabbed a simple olive green tank to slip on, tying the bottom into a knot to leave a piece of her midriff bare, the way she liked it.

"well don't you look nice," linda stated softly, catching her daughter by surprise. louise quickly turned on her bare feet, finding her mother leaning against the door frame. she only nodded in thanks and turned back to her mirror, beginning to divide her hair to braid. linda rushed over, "sit, sit, sit, mama's better at this anyway." louise backed away, gripping her hair tightly. her brows bristled slightly, nose flaring,

"mom, i'm not a kid anymore, i can do it myself." linda just rolled her eyes.

"you may be eighteen, missy, but i'm your mother, and you're still my baby."

"see, that's the problem. i'm nineteen. my birthday was four months ago. but you weren't here. you're never here." from the anger, the anguish, of a years-long battle between the two, louise's voice had filtered down into a soft plea. they had pushed each other away to the point that calling each other acquaintances was more comfortable than saying they were mother and daughter.

"oh." there were a lot of words in her mind, filling her mouth, but she kept her lips closed, pursed, as louise turned back to her mirror and began braiding her hair. in a few moments louise finished, short hair now in two even braids, brushing her collarbones gently. after a few moments of staring at the peach lip gloss, she opted for some lip balm, let the tingling of the mint distract her.

louise faced her mother, slipping on her favorite pair of white slip-on sneakers, "i'm staying over at anita's tonight. don't wait up." she brushed past, and linda let her go.

anita was waiting outside, the rumble of the motorcycle engine grabbing louise's attention as she grabbed a black hoodie from the coat stand and made her way downstairs. a smile lifted her mouth as she hopped on, laughing as they sped down the street.

the ride was short and sweet and wild, weaving in and out of the busy traffic through town. louise laid her head on anita's shoulders, tightening her hold around her waist. anita smiled happily and revved faster. louise's eyes were trained on the fast-passing buildings, cars, people, the small bustle of a small town.

they pulled up to a fast stop in a small dirt lot on the cliffs, the sunset over the water sending a bright golden glow over the area. louise swung her leg over and hopped off, twiddling with her left braid as anita shut the engine off and shrugged her leather jacket closer around her shoulders. anita hung the snake charm around the right handle of her bike before linking her arm with louise's and leading her to the familiar rocky path.

"do you remember when i introduced you to the one eyed snakes, 'nita?" louise asked with a mischevious smile. anita nodded with a small laugh,

"of course! just two thirteen-year-old girls hangin' around a bunch of bikers, making sure their drunk *sses didn't fall off this d*mn cliff." the girls laughed, louise smiling as she remembered her first adventure with the snakes:  saving her ears from logan.

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