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"sure thing, four ears." logan bush smirked in great pleasure as he quickly recognized the gi--woman in front of him. louise's brown eyes widened in surprise, her pink lips opening and cheeks blushing.

"logan?" her dark brows furrowed in wonder as she picked apart his appearance. blond hair disheveled, blue eyes cool, nose crooked, cheeks hollow, lips thin and pale. his shirt was burgundy and tight, enhancing the paleness of his skin. her tongue ran across her dry bottom lip and she quickly resolved her face into ice, pouring him some coffee.

"the one and only. glad you didn't forget about me, princess." he spoke sarcastic words with such coolness louise didn't know if he was kidding or not. logan watched her brown eyes roll as he went to grab a sugar packet, only for her hand to brush against his. he quickly grabbed her hand, planting a kiss to the top. louise jumped away in disgust, setting the coffee pot down and scrubbing hand sanitizer onto her skin.

"what the hell, logan!" his laugh echoed in her ears as she walked back into the kitchen, placing more burgers onto the hot grill. she heard the door open with a soft squeak. louise watched as logan entered, sipping his coffee and looking around the kitchen.

"you can't be back here!" louise shouted in exasperation. his eyes met hers in a fierce battle of dominance as logan slowly walked over to her. he leaned against the counter, eyes still fighting hers and fingers skimming around the rim of the mug. he smirked as she stomped her feet, some habits stick with us.

"what, you think i care?" louise smiled dryly as she checked the underside of each patty. logan quickly set his mug down, arranging ten plates and grabbing a bag of buns.

"what are you doing now?" she asked in annoyance, expertly flipping each burger. logan looked at her pointedly as she looked back at him.


"i don't need help."

"uh yeah, yeah i think you do."

"i guess your memory isn't working right, because i didn't need you eight years ago and i certainly don't need you right now." logan chuckled and louise felt a fire engulf her bones. her right eye twitched as he spoke in haughty ignorance,

"how could i forget you four ears? you sent a biker gang after me."

"oh shut up, loganberry."

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