
943 26 3

tw: violence


logan suddenly woke up to a bruising pain in his abdomen and a pair of bunny ears in his face.

"god, what's up with you gut-punching me all the time?" louise smirked, but fear cracked through the rigid expression on louise's face.

"you were screaming in your sleep, logan. i-i didn't know how else to wake you."

"oh." the buzz of the air conditioner droned on and logan could feel the familiar itch in his fingers.

"shut that f*cking thing off." logan's head whipped to the side, icy blue eyes staring at the machine. his hands gripped the sheets, and louise saw a bead of sweat form on his brow. his chest began rising rapidly and her own eyes widened as he began pawing at his skin.

"logan, hey, it's okay, it's just the air cond—"

"no it's not f*cking okay, sergeant! man down, man down!" logan pushed louise by her chest, and she screamed as she flew to the wall. she cried as her spine began to burn horribly, and tears blurred the stars flashing before her eyes. logan continued yelling, head whipping side-to-side, pulling at his blond hair angrily. hot tears rolled down his cheeks as he screamed.

louise crawled over to the air conditioner, ears pulsing with every screech from logan. her hands gripped the window sill as she got onto her feet. she yelped as she straightened and slammed her hand down onto the power button, collapsing to the floor as the buzz of the a.c. died off. she writhed in pain; every breath felt like a stab in the back.

the screams quieted until logan remembered where he was. he felt the plush mattress beneath him that was covered in navy blue bedding. he inhaled the smell of sea salt with a hint of taffy.

but what he saw was the worst.

lousie belcher was crying.

louise belcher doesn't cry. she screams and she jokes and she hits and she smirks and she frowns but louise belcher doesn't cry.

louise looked up at logan through thick, wet eyelashes. her eyes were pink. her cheeks were swollen and red. snot dribbled from her nose and she quickly sniffed, sobbing through another stab of pain.

and as she looked at him, logan could feel her pain. those stabs in the back were becoming tangible, a colorful tension which spread through his body. molten lava poured onto his skin would be better than the pain conveyed through that one look. with a hiccup, louise whispered,

"get out."

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