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may 12, four years later

"your parents are gonna freak, lou," anita smirked, popping the wad of bubble gum between her teeth. louise looked up at her close friend from her seat on the marble step and rolled her eyes with a small smile.

"more specifically, my mom's gonna have a heart attack. with not being here and, y'know, not even knowing this was gonna happen," she smirked, twirling a piece of her long hair around her finger, admiring the recently-dyed red tips. logan smiled.

"we didn't even know it was gonna happen today until you dragged us both here," he responded sarcastically. louise grinned back playfully, meeting his gaze.

"just goes to show you should be prepared for whatever life throws at you."

"or whatever louise belcher throws at you," anita interjected with a chuckle, "and apparently that includes weddings now. surprise!" the trio laughed. logan watched louise fiddle with the silver band on her left ring finger. he caught her gaze a few moments later and the pair shared a soft smile.

"just be happy that you got an invite, vasquez," louise teased, sighing happily as logan wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. the material of his uniform was cool against her flush skin. when she'd gone to his house to pick him up in her dad's beat-up station wagon that'd definitely seen better days, she almost ripped off his army uniform on the sidewalk.

he looked too good, like a god amongst mere mortals. she'd never seen him like this, but the proud smile on his face and the way he'd styled his long, coiffed hair underneath his navy beret.

"you only invited me because you needed a witness, belcher."

"but you were more than happy to be here."

"eh," anita gasped loudly at the swift punch to her arm from louise, "ok, ok! i'm ecstatic, alright! enough with the punching, we're supposed to be civilized adults right now."

"'nita you've got a pokeball necklace on," logan stated, eyeing his wife (oh sh*t!) as she laughed with him, "hey, uh-uh-uh, belcher, i know you tried to hide it but you've got your d*mn kuchi kopi keychain hidden somewhere in your dress." louise smiled,

"wanna find it?" logan smirked and pressed a seering kiss to her lips, smiling as the flavor of peach reached his tongue.

"well, while sex in public might be enticing to some, i really don't want to see any of that—" louise punched her again as logan laughed loudly. "louise! um, ow! not cool!"

"don't worry, that's not gonna happen," logan smirked and pulled louise closer to him, "just don't stop by the apartment for the next few weeks."

"weeks?!" both louise and anita gasped. louise felt her face flush as anita laughed, standing from her spot on the stone steps. brushing off the backside of her crimson slacks, she smiled brightly at the pair,

"alright, time for the love birds to go on their love-cation."

"honeymoon, anita, it's honeymoon." vasquez chuckled and clapped her hands together.

"i'll see you around, belcher," she paused and her smile widened, "you too, bush." the married couple (woah, they both thought) watched anita traipse down the marble steps, tossing on her usual leather jacket over her black blouse as she hopped onto her motorcycle. anita gave one last wave before she took off down the quiet road.

they'd rushed into the city hall office ten minutes before close, logan and anita completely bewildered as louise fought the (at-least) seventy-year-old man behind the desk for a marriage license. soon after the pair walked out, license in ring-clad hands, anita following behind secretly taking pictures.

"so, belcher," logan started, "you takin' us somewhere special?" louise smirked and looked up at him through her dark lashes. she grabbed his beret and pressed it firmly onto her head.

"yeah, the restaurant. my dad's got us both on the dinner shift tonight." his eyes narrowed at her failed attempts to keep a straight face, but she couldn't help the small giggle that broke through her lips. logan's scowl softened into a tiny smile. "i'm just messing. i booked a hotel room for the weekend in philly."


"yeah. that okay?" logan pressed a long kiss to her forehead (removing his beret quickly from her head), squeezing her tighter. if he pulled her any closer she'd be in his lap, and neither of them really minded that. he replaced the beret back on his head, louise straightening it out for him.

"perfect, louise," after a moment he let out a small laugh, "all of this is perfect. rushed and unexpected, but perfect. i wouldn't want it any other way." louise closed her eyes and rested her head back onto his shoulder, completely relaxed.

"hey, logan?" her voice was small, almost hazy. they were both almost lethargic from the bliss of the day. he hummed. "you sure you don't care i'm keeping my last name?" she asked softly, her glossy lips lightly brushing against his earlobe. he sighed shakily, her name almost falling from his parted lips like a whispered prayer.

"'course i don't, belcher. after all," he paused and turned to her, smirking into the chocolate eyes he'd fallen in love with, "you'll always be four ears to me."


GUYs. *sobs*

"it's ova'", as my dad would say with his boston accent. when i start yellin' i sound just like that though, oops.

anyway, this was a crazy time skip and kinda unexpected, but even i needed a happy ending to this crazy book okay.

like i said before, there will be some bonus chapters going up, probably 3-5. oh! and i've got a playlist compiled too, that'll probably go up after this. high key recommend the songs on it, they capture the vibes (i hope) this story gives off.

i am so appreciative of the comments and votes and simply the attention this book has gotten. it's wild, seriously.

as always, i serve to please. i am forever yours, dear readers.

your obedient servant,


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