[new message from suicide hotline]

924 56 9

So do you
What took you so long to reply??
sent at 12:56am


Seto sat on the floor, blissful and his head spinning. His stomach was growling, his heart was aching, and he found it quite difficult to breathe. He listened to the sound of the pouring rain on a Tuesday morning — a soon coming day doing to be filled with regret, agony, and a profound urge to cry and mope.

"There isn't any point of going to school today, I might as well skip," Seto had thought to himself while laying down on the floor, trying to get comfortable. He was in his room since 12am, trying to find someone, just someone, to talk to. Yet here he is, at 6:23am he's laying on the floor, practically doing nothing.

"Seto," a voice urged while the door slowly opened, "are you sleeping on the floor again? You have a perfectly fine bed for fucks sake!"

"Isaac, you gave the wrong number," Seto quickly changed the topic as he groaned, turning onto his side.

"The wrong number? For what—"

"Suicide hotline."

Isaac shook his head, sitting down next to the brunet that was sprawled uncomfortably on the floor, "Sorry — I just, I don't know how to help you, Seto."

He bit his lip, "It's okay, Isaac, you really don't need to do this—"

"No, Seto, I do need to help you. Now, let's go, we can't be late for school."

Seto rolled his eyes, groaning, "I don't care about school, just let me stay on the floor, please."

"Mom's gonna get mad at you," Isaac warned, pulling Seto by the arm.

"Correction, your mom is gonna get mad at me. She's not even my mom, I'm that stupid kid your parents adopted."

Isaac went silent for a moment, before the sound of the buzzing of his phone went off, "You should go see what it is, I'm going to make breakfast for the two of us."

With that, the door softly shut behind him. Seto sat up, reached for his phone, and squinted. The bright light burned his eyes as he went to see who messaged him.

new message from suicide hotline

Seto figured he should change the contact name, for all he knows the person could have been a pedophile.


I see you read my message
sent at 6:25am

Leave me alone
read at 6:25am

I want to help you
Don't be so stubborn
sent at 6:25am

You're a stranger
read at 6:26am

How old are you
Like twelve?
sent at 6:26am

I'm in high school
read at 6:27am

Excuse you
sent at 6:27am

I bet you're some pedophile
read at 6:27am

The awkward thing is
I'm in college
sent at 6:29am

I see you hesitated there
read at 6:29am

sent at 6:29am

read at 6:29am

Shouldn't you be getting ready
for school???
sent at 6:30am

I'm not going
read at 6:30am

sent at 6:30am

read at 6:30am

sent at 6:30am

I don't want to
read at 6:31am

sent at 6:31am

I'm not gonna remember this
shit ten years from now
read at 6:32am

Are you getting bullied or
sent at 6:33am

I'm okay
read at 6:35am

You hesitated
sent at 6:35am

So what??
read at 6:36am

wyd mean so what??
sent at 6:36am

You know what
Fuck you
I'm going to school
Just to piss you off
read at 6:39am

I mean
I am very pissed
sent at 6:40am

Fuck you
read at 6:41am

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