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"I make you nervous?" Brice blurts out, abruptly drawing Seto's attention. His face is flaming red again as he nods his head in embarrassment. "I'll just do the talking, then."

Seto opens his mouth to say something, but closes it. He's awestruck, shaking, and barely clinging onto what's left of his "confidence" as it is. Brice just opens his mouth and begins to blabber about his day, throwing in some comical things in an attempt to make him laugh.

"So remember when I told you that my professor took away my phone? I sit literally in the back of the class but yet he notices me! I mean, I wasn't really texting it was more of me being a dumbass and leaving notifications on, but that's asides the point. He literally made me walk in front of the class and hand over my phone! I mean, who does that!"

"And not only that, he didn't give it back to me until the end of the school day. I had to apologize and everything! It was totally humiliating. But I call the professor 'Mister Bulge' because of the weird bulge in his pants. There are some girls in my class that he's always staring at and I think he's like some weird pedophile. I mean, we're all of age but some of us are literally fresh out of high school!"

"So I literally said, 'Sorry, Mister Bulge' to his face and you should have seen his reaction. I literally grabbed my phone and booked it out of campus. Like, I don't think that middle aged man can really catch me. Considering he has an erection in his pants, I don't think he's going to get very far either. It's pretty hilarious."

Brice continues to talk as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Seto's dumbfounded, but laughs along until his stomach hurts. He's enjoying himself while eating his strawberry cake. The chrysanthemum tea didn't go well with it, however. It tastes bitter and not well made. Seto assumed Mitch had made it like that on purpose.

Thirty minutes fly by more quickly than the two could anticipate. Their food is finished, and now they're ready to leave. Brice disposes of their trash while Seto bolts out the door, not bothering to say "thank you" to the employees (aka Fuckface McGee and Mitch). Brice follows after him.

They both walk side by side, and now is the time that Seto has enough confidence to speak.

"I could listen to you talk all day," he smiles. "I like your voice."

Something in Brice's heart begins to flutter. Now he's the one getting cold feet. He shies away and rubs the back of his neck, "I was born with this voice so I mean it's really not much..."

Then he realizes how stupid that sounded.

Seto gives a chuckle, "I had fun today."

"Yeah, me too," Brice replies. "But the day isn't over yet. Wanna head to the park?"

"As much as I'd like to say yes," Seto began, frowning, "I have schoolwork to do. Plus, Isaac wanted me to be home before sundown. He's making lasagna tonight."

"I'm assuming Isaac's your brotherly mother."

"Unfortunately, yes."

The two continue to chat about stupid things and compliment each other as they walk down the oddly empty streets of the small city of Arkney. Next thing they knew, they're standing at Seto's porch saying their goodbyes.

"Really, I had fun today," Seto smiles again.

"Same here," Brice shrugs. He's about to turn around and leave when Seto pulls him into a hug. It's a light, innocent one that practically melts his heart.

"Thank you," he whispers, "thank you."

Brice doesn't know how to react. He's hugging the smaller boy back, "You're welcome."

It takes a while for them to let go of each other. When they do, they take their separate ways. Seto opens the front door, which is surpassingly unlocked, and walks inside. He's in a good mood and bouncy. Isaac's waiting for him at the base of the stairs.

"Who were you with?" He asks. Seto notices he's wearing a pink 'KISS THE COOK' apron that's smeared with tomato sauce. Or, what looks to be tomato sauce.

He doesn't reply. He's just laughing happily as he jogs up the stairs and into his room. Isaac's not use to this happier version of Seto, but he sure doesn't mind it.

"Kids these days," he grumbles as he heads back into the kitchen.

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