[new message from Seto 💘]

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new message from Seto 💘


Going to school on Fridays
should be illegal
sent at 8:19am

Texting during class now aren't we?
read at 8:21am

I could care less about some poem
at the moment
I'm dead when I get home today
sent at 8:21am

Your parents can't be that bad
read at 8:21am

haha we'll see about that
sent at 8:21am

Chill I'll pick you up at school today
read at 8:22am

You'd do that for me?
sent at 8:22am

Yes yes yes 100%
read at 8:22am

Well what about my parents
sent at 8:22am

They're picking you and isaac up??
Also how come I've never seen them
at your house before
read at 8:22am

T'was either a business trip or
vacation I could care less tbh
And yeah they are because
"family bonding fridays"
sent at 8:23am

Sounds nice but the way you
describe it makes your parents
sound like the devil or something
My family's back in Australia
read at 8:23am

I mean they are kinda bad :/
But whatever I guess I'll be
away from them in college
sent at 8:24am

What are you going to say to
them as an excuse??
read at 8:24am

I have a study buddy for exams
Isaac will back me up and my parents
will believe the two of us because
ew honors classes
sent at 8:24am

Hi I am said study buddy
I can teach you if you want
read at 8:24am

You mean tutor or something
sent at 8:25am

Yeah I'm pretty good at uh
read at 8:25am

When did captain columbus
discover America?
sent at 8:25am

read at 8:25am

Oh my god it's 1492
You're 206 years late
sent at 8:25am

Fuck I'll get it next time
read at 8:25am

sent at 8:26am

Don't sure me I know my facts
I guess
read at 8:26am

Yeah you guess
sent at 8:26am

pffFft you know I'm always right
read at 8:26am

Yet you're left handed
sent at 8:26am

Shit you got be there
read at 8:27am

If you're taking up computer
engineering then aren't you good
at math and science or something
sent at 8:27am

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