[new message from boo 👌]

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Brice woke up the next morning quite later than usual. It's probably because he pulled another one of his all-nighters: doing assignments and texting Seto once and a while. He didn't want to get out of bed that morning, but he knew he had to. College isn't cheap.

He's going to experience drowsiness and headaches the rest of the day, which isn't really surprising. He was surprised, however, to see that Seto had texted first.

new message from boo 👌


sent at 6:02am

read at 6:34am

sent at 6:34am

read at 6:34am

sent at 6:34am

read at 6:34am

sent at 6:34am

read at 6:34am

I'm heading out to school soon
sent at 6:35am

I'm gonna get coffee soon
at Starbucks
read at 6:35am

sent at 6:35am

yoUre eW
read at 6:35am

Excuse me
sent at 6:35am

You're excused
read at 6:35am

Um ??
sent at 6:35am

Wanna do what the k00l kidz do
and hang out
read at 6:36am

Where tho
sent at 6:36am

Considering it's Thursday my
day's shortened up cause I have
less courses to take
read at 6:37am

Wow lucky you
sent at 6:37am

What if I broke into your house
read at 6:37am

First of all
n o
sent at 6:37am

What if I dropped by and helped
you with your homework
read at 6:37am

Are you sure about that because
this shit is pretty complicated
sent at 6:37am

I mean what's the worse that can
read at 6:37am

I fail
sent at 6:38am

o h
That was blunt
But you know what else is blunt
read at 6:38am

If you're going to make a weed
joke I swear to god
sent at 6:38am

Blaze it
read at 6:38am

Please escort yourself to the door
sent at 6:38am

I'm like halfway to Starbucks so
jokes on you boo
read at 6:38am

Don't call me boo ever again
sent at 6:38am

read at 6:39am

Is this what living with a leech
is like
sent at 6:39am

awWw yoU waNt uS to liVe
read at 6:39am

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