[new message from Brice ☕️]

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new message from Brice ☕️


open up your door i'm outside lol
sent at 4:52pm

You don't text me all day and
now you show up uninvited?
read at 4:52pm

In my defense you said earlier
we could hang out and your
education is important so I didn't
want to interrupt that
sent at 4:53pm

Your phone got taken away during
a lecture I'm assuming?
read at 4:53pm

Open up the door I'm hungry
sent at 4:53pm


Seto sighs exasperatedly as he swings the front door open. Brice is standing there, leaning against the doorframe with a smug grin on his face. They both stare at each other, a bit too prolonged, and the blond eventually speaks up.

"I was going to say a shitty pickup line but I figured you'd slam the door on my face," he shrugs, snickering a bit. "Where are your parents?"

"They're not home, obviously," Seto rolls his eyes. "And Isaac's at drama club."

"He takes drama?" Brice is holding in his laughter.

"I mean, he could be fucking a goat for all I care but that's what he told me," Seto shrugs. "Now, get inside, you're going to catch a cold."

Brice mutters something about the weather and steps inside. He admires the living room for a moment, forgetting how tidy and spacious life could outside a dorm. He sluggishly follows Seto into the kitchen and watches him prepare some food.

"Do you have any coffee?" Brice yawns, stretching.

"Yeah," Seto points to the top cabinet. "I don't know how to make it, though."

He crawls up the countertop and grabs at the container. When he steps down, only then does he hear the giggling behind him. He glares at Brice, "What?"

"You're short," he reinforces, "and I love it."

Seto's speechless, face cherry red as a matter of fact, "W-Well you're..."

"Perfect? I know," Brice smiles.

"I was going to say annoying but that works too. Whatever you think, sweetheart."

"You called me sweetheart!"

"Shut up and make your own damn coffee."

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