[new message from Sealion ✨]

808 55 33

I bet you're smiling
sent at 12:59pm


"Brice Purton," a stern voice hollered out from across the room. Brice quickly snapped his head up, gulping as he saw the fierceness in his professor's eyes, "please explain what's so important to be on your cell phone."

"Well you see," Brice began, his accent making some of the people in the room giggle, "my dad won't stop texting me about my mum's condition, she's really sick and on her death bed and he's afraid—"

"That's enough, Brice," the professor shook his head before getting back to the lesson.

What Brice was saying was decently true. It was stringed with lies of course, obvious ones such as his mum texting him. It wasn't far fetched; Brice's mom did have cancer and only had a few more months to live, but he rarely saw his parents in the first place since they were in Australia. Hell, his relationship with his parents were shaky as it is, he saw no need to try to fix it and stir up more conflict.


Brice walked out of campus at exactly 2:34PM and was expected to arrive back home at 2:51PM — like always. Life was just routine; he didn't have any friends to visit, he didn't have any extra circular activities to take part in, and he usually didn't go to the gym unless it was the weekends, or he felt up to it. So, he just walked down the familiar sidewalk with his shoes scraping against the concrete.

He felt a slight buzz in his pocket, feint but enough for him to impulsively whip his phone out. The Australian couldn't help but smile at the contact name — he knew that he would text him first. He basked in the slight victory before unlocking his phone.

new message from Sealion


Hey I'm out of school now
sent at 2:35pm

you texted first
read at 2:35pm

If you don't stop saying omg I'm gonna
block you
sent at 2:35pm

ok lol I'll stop
read at 2:35pm

So did you get out of school???
or college whatever
sent at 2:35pm

I'm walking home
read at 2:35pm

Wow same
I'm walking home with my older brother
sent at 2:35pm

Omg what if we bump into each other
read at 2:35pm

omg what if you bump into a bus!
sent at 2:36pm

I'm gonna look out for a person on their
phone vigorously texting
read at 2:36pm

Such extensive vocabulary
Didn't know you had it in you
sent at 2:36pm

Yeah lol duh
Are we friends now??
read at 2:36pm

sent at 2:36pm

Ok so we're boyfriends got it
read at 2:36pm

I ain't gay
sent at 2:36pm

I'll make you gay
read at 2:37pm

I doubt it
sent at 2:37pm

Don't doubt it when we're at our
wedding hun
read at 2:37pm

You're so frustrating sometimes it's so
sent at 2:37pm

lol okay
I almost got hit by a car I wasn't watching
where I was going oops
read at 2:37pm

omg nooo
that poor car
Hitting trash :((
sent at 2:38pm

how dare you I am not trash
I am
The trash
read at 2:38pm

lol hold on I'm at a crosswalk and my
brother doesn't want me on my phone when
im walking across the street
sent at 2:39pm


Brice felt the sudden urge to look up from his phone. A brunet, along with a boy with shaggy, dark brown hair, stood at the opposite side of the crosswalk. He held a silver iPhone in his hands, one that looked like to be opened on iMessage. The light went red, they were able to cross the street. Brice quickly jogged across, nearly trampling over the brunet in the process.


"Fucking watch it you piece of shit!" A British accent filled the air. Yeah — it was the same guys from Starbucks.

"Isaac, profanity," was the last thing Brice heard before he made a sharp, left turn.


I need to go my home is in sight
I'll text you tonight after I finish my homework
sent at 2:47pm

lol says the guy who didn't want to go to
school today
but i convinced him otherwise ;)
read at 2:47pm

as I said earlier
Fuck you
sent at 2:48pm

As I said earlier
I'd fuck me too ;)))
read at 2:48pm

I hate you so much
sent at 2:48pm

I love you too much
read at 2:48pm

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