xiii. note

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TW: suicidal ideation


I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough,
To see my promise through.
But I told you it would be tough;
I told you the thoughts grew.

And now they have a hold of me;
They have taken my sanity hostage.
No matter how much I beg and plea,
They don't untie the bondage.

So this note is my final goodbye -
I'm sorry I couldn't brave through it and fight.
But when the pain drown out my cries,
I felt like it was my time to see the light.

My only hope is that you understand
That life through my eyes was always bland,
And that my love for you is endless,
No matter how I've chosen say goodbye and end this.

// R.M.

Turning my previous pain into poetry makes it easier to face and process. It's like therapy for me.

Once again, note that this is NOT meant to be a romanticising of suicide.

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