iv. then; now

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then; now

Then, it was a blur,
Like the distorted trees on the road to nowhere.
It was simple,
Like the giant Lego pieces we used to build our dreams.
And oh, it was full,
Full of all the joys and innocence of childlike antics.

Now, it is clear,
All insecurities; humiliating moments, lingering in my minds like smoke in the air.
It is complicated,
Every aspect of my life magnified under the lens for you to place judgement on.
And my, it is empty,
As if a blanket of solitude covers me, different to the one my grandmother knit.

And just like that - a childhood,
Reassembled into young adulthood.

Then, It was a blur,
It was simple,
And oh, it was full.

Now, it is clear,
It is complicated,
And my, it is empty.

// R.M

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