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Welcome to my brain's darkest; brightest thoughts and my heart's deepest; shallowest desires.

I wrote these poems over the course of the years, on and off. I've always been afraid to share them - I still am - because I'm afraid to open up that part of myself to people. But I think I'm somewhat ready to now. Ready for people to see another side of me that isn't prevalent in my everyday life. A side I've grown use to hiding behind my smiles and laugh. But that's all changing because now,

I've undressed my mind; I'm in the nude.

These speak to the deafening silence.
These speak to the self and survival.
These speak to delicate yet catalysing thoughts.
These speak to anger and resentment.
These speak to the maddening feeling of falling in love.
These speak to me and hopefully, you.

So, this anthology is dedicated not only to myself, but to all of you beautiful people, with destructive minds.

- R x


The poems in here are for an audience who can handle mature language and content. Please keep that in mind, before going further, because some of it - most of it - can be sensitive and triggering.

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