Part 7

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"Cause someday soon your whole life is gonna change.You'll miss the magic of the good old days."~ Good Old Days, Macklemore ft. Kesha

Kailani woke up to a lonley morning. Finnick had left a note saying  He loved her but left early before the reaping to start getting ready. She knew both of them were struggling to stay sane and needed some alone time. Before all chaos broke out. She slowly got out of bed to take a long hot shower, hoping to relax her muscles. She picked out her favorite white short dress and let her hair take its natural course.

The little mermaid didnt get ready though. She stayed in the kitchen, looking out the window with a warm mug of tea that was cooling by the minute. She didnt understand. Sure Katniss and Peeta had broken the rules but that was the game makers fault, not the victors. She chuckled grimly. I guess thats your way on getting rid of two birds with one stone.

When Peacekeepers knocked on her door, thats when she went up to get dressed. The white material complimented her tan skin beautifully and made the red in her hair pop more than usual.

"Miss! Its time to go!" Yelled a peacekeeper. She sighed and slipped on some sandals before walking out of her house with her head held high. She twisted her wedding ring around so the opal and green stones faced her palm. This way no one would ask questions later on. Her blue eyes didnt search for her lover and she walked with purpose on stage with Mags and Annie behind her.

When the capital citizen for their district announced the tributes of the games, she went with teary eyes to the male tribute bowl first. Even though she knew he was going, her heart still clenched when she said his name. She almost cried but Finnick's calm facade reminded her to remain confident.

Then she called for the female tribute. It was Annie. Her wailing made Kai grimance and immediatley step up to volunteer. Mags stared at the girl with sorrow and gratefulness and they both hugged Annie.

"This years tributes for the quarter quell, Finnick Odair and Kailani Lapis!" The two shook hands without breaking eye contact and were guided to the train with no goodbyes.


" Want anything sweet love?"

"No thank you."

The two were in the dining cart, Finnick by the food and Kai staring out the window from her seat.

"I dont want anyone to know I can speak english until someone speaks to me."

He chuckled at this and went to sit by her so they could whisper to each other. " And why is that?"

" Well I am supposed to be mysterious and sexy. This just adds to mystery. Imagine the look on their faces when they hear me speak fluent English. It'll be a look I will always remember." She said with a playful smirk.

"You'll never be able to surpass me in being sexy."

"I already have darling."

Finnick tickled her after her comment and didnt stop until she said he was the best and I love you. In her native language of course. But sadly, they had to seperate earlier than expected. The train had just reached the capital and their beauty crew was waiting impatiently to run them off to their stations.


"This is District four-"

"Finnick Odair right?"

"Yes. He and the other reaped victor won their games at fourteen. Youngest ever. Extremely humble." Haymitch informed.

"Your kidding." Katniss didn't believe that last comment one bit. Finnick looked exactly like a career, cocky and selfish.

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