Part 13

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Kailani limped in pain. Her vision was blurry and she felt she would pass out soon. Suddenly she heard a scream. The scream of a creature produced from the head gamemaker. That's all she had to hear for her to bolt off in the opposite direction, veins pumping with adrenaline. Luckily she found the beach and hid in the line of trees to check if anyone was there. Not seeing anyone she still kept her guard up as she approached the water. Maybe it will help get rid of the white bubbles on my skin?

She ran to the water when she heard more commotion behind her. She instantly felt the sting but bit her cheek so she wouldn't scream. I'll be safe if I can get to the cornucopia. As she swam underneath the surface she heard what sounded like monkeys. Before she could resurface, due to the pain, she passed out and her body was left floating on the surface until a certain ally came out of his hiding place. After his District partner sacrificed herself for Peeta, he decided he would do the same.

He swiftly swam to the red head before dragging her back into the safe terrain. When in a safe spot, he checked her body to see her wounds, to see she rid herself of the poisonous white puss. Over time he realized her mind had induced herself in a coma-like state, most likely to heal Kailani's body faster. And due to the fact she was carrying a child. Her body didn't want to poison the fetus. He looked after her for the next few weeks until she woke up. She jumped up and looked around only to find she was in a makeshift tiny hut made of the leaves and other plants of the arena. Her body was coated in green and brown to help her blend in, her hair matted with mud to hide the red. Her weapon by her side and arm almost fully healed. Then Kailani saw him, slowly and cautiously crawling towards her.

"Thank you so much." She said with tears at the rim of her eyes and a hand on her stomach, knowing it was him who saved her. He just nodded as acknowledgment.

"How long have I been out?" She questioned. He responded my mouthing 'two weeks'. She thanked him again before saying goodbye and slowly heading to the cornucopia's water to wash off the paint. She was very unsteady and clumsy due to being asleep for so long but she forced her pregnant body to continue.

After washing off, she swam underwater to the cornucopia to see if there would be anything to her benefit there. Before she could come out, she heard commotion on the beach.Deciding to ignore it she resurfaced and climbed onto the rocks to hide inside the metal cornucopia. When she found a safe spot she sat down, feeling out of breath. " Mommy is tired Perseus. We need water too." She rubbed her temples after she spoke to her now two month baby, still a little bump but more obvious than when she came in to the games. Kailani decided to gather weapons and some supplies before she went to find Finnick. Its been too long away from the group.

As she did, Finnick was freaking out. What if the mutts got her? Did the fog get her? No. I'm positive she fell down the hill too. Etc. He made up all different kinds of scenarios to distract himself as he and the others made there way to the cornucopia. They had already united with Joana, Beetee, and Wiress. Finnick was happy to see one familiar face but was still concerned about Kai. Joana said that they hadn't seen the capital pick up any bodies. Just the one after the mini tsunami. After Joana's and Katniss' little brawl, Wiress and the girl on fire had a moment of bliss, discovering that the arena was a clock.

"We'll find her Finnick. Maybe after we get hydrated we can go look where you got separated." Joana offered. Finnick gave a quick thanks before taking the lead on the rocks towards the metal base for some alone time by the water. Suddenly he caught a glance of red in the cornucopia. He grabbed his trident and shushed the others before stalking to see the full entrance of the cornucopia better.

"Is that you my love?" He yelled in her native language, readying his weapon just in case.

"Finnick!" She came out with a smile on her face. She ran the isle of rocks to meet him and he did the same. But before they could meet half way, he saw her stop and grab the lower half of her back, her other hand on the rocks to keep her from falling. Just now did he realize the nasty scar on her arm too. His eyes widened in fear and he broke out into a full sprint. So did Joana and Katniss.

"Kai!" Finnick yelled and he caught her before she fell to her knees. "What's wrong? Talk to me baby."


"Is Perseus ok? Lay down."

"Finn-" She tried to say again as he held her back gently, making her go down to the rocks.

"Damnit I should've stayed with you when we ran awa-" Kai cut his rant off with a kiss and took his hand to put it on her stomach.

"Shut up and listen. I'm fine. It's common for a woman to get pain in their backs when making a baby." She laughed and kept reassuring him that she was fine, even if she was really uncomfortable at the moment. Still a little wearing he just chuckled. He kissed her again, filled with his worry and love, before he helped her stand up.

"Its good to know you're still fighting too little guy." He said to her stomach before kissing it. When he stood up again Joana and them had caught up to where they were.

"Are you ok?" Katniss asked out of breath.

"I'm a little hungry but I'm ok. All that running have me a cramp in my back muscles. Making this baby sure isn't easy."She laughed and rubbed her little belly. "But on a serious note do you guys have food?"

Everyone laughed and walked to there original destination, inside the cornucopia, with everyone else. Peeta was going to map out the clock in the black sand and said he would catch Kailani up with everything thats happened.

" I can get you some nuts. Finnick you want to get some fish?" He nodded and ran off after a quick kiss. Joana just winked before joining him.

After being caught up on everything, Beetee just couldn't stay quiet. " So, you carry a child?"

"Yes, it is Finnick's if thats your next question." She smiled with a faint blush. Peeta had noticed that her stomach swelled a bit since the last time he saw her but nothing too 'in the way' yet. Either way he felt more protective of her and the little Odair.

"Pregnant women are the most beautiful in my eyes. The fact that you're creating tissues, the first electric impulse that starts the heart, brain, and so much more for a living organism is... remarkable." He said astonished. Everyone chuckled as Kai flipped her hair over her shoulder, jokingly, and finished the last of her berries.

Then they heard a gasp, and this time it wasn't the red-head, it was Wiress. Gloss and the others had snuck up on their little pack and stabbed her. Unfortunately, Katniss' reflexes were to slow this time as her arrow went through Gloss' heart. With that the murdered victims both fell into the water and the others grabbed their weapons, on full alert. Suddenly they were split in half as Katniss and Joana chased an enemy to the outside of the cornucopia and Finnick went to the other side with another enemy. Kailani decided to stay towards the front of the compound and protect Peeta and Beetee. However before she could start fighting, the cornucopia started spinning, making everyone fall. Beetee quickly grabbed onto his precious wire and fled to a safe place inside. Peeta had fallen a little ways away from Kai and was holding on to a small petruding rock, dodging cases as they flew out like bullets. I should've prayed. Please help us through this hell my moon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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