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Scott and Sandy Interrante were sitting in the front yard waiting for their old high school friend to make it over for their daughter Kc's 17th birthday...Criss has been friends with Scott ever since he was a freshman, it never bothered Criss to have a senior as his best buddy...they just connected on the same level. Sandy was Scott's high school sweetheart when Criss came into their lives. And ever since then...he just decided to stay in the family...Criss was there when Sandy became pregnant...and he was also there when Kc was born...he was the first one to hold her...for Scott passed out after the first scream...the first time Criss held her...he had a premonition that she was going to be a huge part of his life...even after he told Scott and Sandy...they both just laughed it off, thinking he was bullshitting with them...Scott even let Criss name her. Sandy didn't like it very well, but after he chose Kc Lee Interrante...she immediately liked the name...

Criss stayed with Scott and Sandy and helped take care of Kc clear up until she was 2 years old...after that, Sandy  and Scott both had gotten extremely jealous of the fact that their daughter loved and wanted Criss instead of them...so in a burst of anger, Scott and Sandy kicked Criss out, and told him never to come back. 

Now Years later, Criss was going to be stepping back into their lives at their request. Kc was upstairs listening to her mp3 player while drawing a sketch of her hero and the greatest Illusionist/Magician of all time!! Criss Angel. For her parents never told her that Criss was an old friend of the family's...or that he was the one that named her...but she was going to find out very soon. 

Criss pulled up in the driveway and as he jumped out of his black Lambo, he was holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and he removed his sunglasses with his free hand and hooked them in the button hole on his shirt...he looked over at Scott and Sandy and gave them a smile...he took Sandy by the hand and as he kissed her hand, he handed her the flowers...then he shook Scott's hand that ended up being a brotherly hug. Criss told them they both looked great...then Scott and Sandy said the same to him...plus for the fact that he was driving a Lamborghini, and was covered in diamonds...Criss just chuckled as he said yeah life has been good to him so far, with just a few setbacks in between...

Criss quickly changed the subject and asked where his little Bess was at...for he really wanted to see her. Just then two teenage kids came out of the house...a girl around 18 years and a guy that looked to be in his very early 20's...Criss looked at them and said that wasn't Kc...the girl looked at him and scoffed and said hell no she wasn't Kc...she was her older sister Sissy...then the guy held out his hand to Criss and said he was her older brother Tommy. Criss looked very confused as he turned to Scott and Sandy....Sandy interrupted and told Criss they were adopted shortly after he had left. Criss shook his head in understanding, then added he didn't leave...he was kicked out.

Scott went to the door and hollered for me to come down, that someone was here to meet me...but I didn't hear him for my earbuds were in...so Criss just asked where my room was. Tommy quickly pointed Criss in the right direction...he slowly went to the door and opened the door...right when he gazed upon me, he knew it was me...and that his premonitions he had when I was born was actually happening. For he knew exactly what I was going to look like. Criss walked up to me and gently tapped on my shoulder...my dad was telling the rest of my family to just wait for it..for it was gonna happen in 3....2....1...Oh, My God!!! Scott added there it is....Criss Angel is really in my room!!! And he is here on my birthday!!!

I flew into his arms and just soaked him all in...I couldn't believe he was here...I been dreaming of meeting him forever...and now he was here!! Criss just kept laughing and smiling at the fact that he never forgot her, but soon realized that Scott and Sandy never told her about him. Scott and Sandy both came in and told me to let him breathe a little bit...Criss just told them I was fine. I let go of him just long enough to hug my parents and thank them, then I was right back in Criss's arms again...then I asked him if he was going to perform for my birthday...he looked down at me, and said he would love to.

Sandy and Scott interrupted and told me he could do some magic after dinner. I was so excited I couldn't hold it in and asked Criss how long he was going to be here...Criss looked at my parents then at me, and said until your parents kick me out...again. Sandy huffed at Criss and said he needed to let it go, and stop bringing it up. Criss grabbed my hand and led all of us downstairs and into the dining room...first I sat down at the table then he sat down right beside me, and looked at the empty table...he looked up at Sandy and asked where the dinner was...and that he was starving...she told him it wasn't cooked yet...Criss rolled his eyes and said honestly you invite me over for dinner and a birthday party and he was starving and dinner wasn't even ready...he jumped on the table and went across it and took a table cloth that was on the chair's back...then he placed it on the table...then lifted it and caught some air under the cloth and after the third time of pulling it up and down...he swiped the cloth off the table and under the cloth was a fully cooked meal covering the table..

Scott and Sandy were very impressed with his illusions...I cheered and told him that was awesome!! Sissy just rolled her eyes and said was it real...Criss told her it was real enough for he was going to eat it. Tommy was shocked at all the delicious foods he created at the table...he didn't hesitate he sat down and grabbed a plate and began filling it...Criss just laughed at him, then handed me a plate and said dig in. After dinner was over Criss did one more piece of magic with the table cloth...he showed me there was nothing there, then he quickly lifted the cloth up and down twice...then the third time he completely removed it, and out of nowhere a very beautiful birthday ice cream cake appeared!! It was a Mindfreak cake with 3-D doves and playing cards on it...the words in red frosting read Happy 17th Birthday 'Sweet Little Bess' Love Criss.

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