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The next morning I headed out to all the places I could think of that held old books about life after death, Criss just rolled his eyes and said I was wasting my time...but I was very driven to see what I could find out...other than the usual...when your dead your dead belief. I wanted to expand my herizons and see what all I could learn and find out. But I went to several witchcraft shops and many magic places, and still came out with zero...

Criss kissed me and said I just needed to face the reality...that he was dead to all but me...and that was the way it was going to be...then he added that the only reason I was able to see him was that I was weird that way...I dropped the book and looked up at him and noticed the cheesy grin on him, and then I tossed my pillow at him. He chuckled as he caught the pillow, and said that he was very glad to have me, though...for it would be very lonely and boring if I couldn't see or hear him.

Weeks went by and I still was determined to find a way to change the wrong that was done to Criss...but I was doing it without him knowing...for he thought I gave up on it last week...but I didn't...I was reading one very old parchment book...that I got from a witchcraft store on the outskirts of town...and when I read the third chapter...and I was hooked on what I was reading...I jumped up and ran all the way back down to that store to see if the owner was there yet...for I really wanted to talk to that person...all that was there when I bought the book, was a young guy that didn't know anything about the craft...he just needed a job.

I walked in and asked him if the owner was in yet...he said yes that she came in 5 minutes ago...and if i wanted to talk to her, to go in the back...Criss followed me to see what I was so curious about. I slowly walked to the back room and before I spoke out...she asked me to come and sit down...then added that I could invite my friend in as well...I looked at Criss and wondered how she knew...so I asked her what friend...

The lady turned around and said the spiritual friend that came in with you...he may come in and sit down as well...she said that I came with questions...and my friend came in with skepticism...even in death. She told me her name was Lady Zamora, and that she was curious to know what my questions were...so I asked her easy questions first...like how is it that I see and hear Criss and yet no one else does...she said that I was a channeler...a very rare gift that very few people have, and can harness. Then I added that I could physically touch him as well...she looked at me with mild disbelief...but she said I had full connection as a psyhcic channel...and she has only met one other that had that very special ability...and that was her mother.

I then asked her if when one was taken before their time, if it was possible to bring them back...she looked at me very crazily then said she has heard many things from people coming in this store...but not once did she ever hear anyone ask if their was a way to bring the dead back to life. I stood up and asked her again if it was possible to right  a wrong...Criss was murdered, and robbed...and it was not his time to go...I was getting extremely emotional now and Criss put his arms around me, and asked me to come home with him...that there was no helping him, and that he was happy as long as he had me. I stood up and told Criss to lets go home.

Then Lady Zamora turned and asked us both to sit down...that she had something to say...she lit two candles and sat down and said what if she told us that for a price she could bring him back...but the price was great...to those who really knew what she was talking about...then she asked me what price would I be willing to pay to bring this Criss back from the parallel plain...for when Criss refused to go into the light...he gave up his chance to give his soul final peace...now for all eternity he would be stuck on the parallel plain on earth...

When I told her I would be willing to do anything if it would bring Criss back to life, and erase all that has been done...Criss interrupted and said it depended what the price was...if he thought it was to high...he wouldn't allow me to do it. I was eager to know so I asked her what the price was...she turned to me and said I would have to give Criss half of my life force...and she would transfer it from my body to him...but in order to do this she would in fact need Criss Angel's body. I told her I would be willing to give it to him...but Criss said no!

For he knew what it meant to do that...Zamora told me that when given half of yourself to bring him back...you would be eternally linked together forever...each feeling the other's pain, and emotions...and that when I die he would die also...but he couldn't be killed again by any other. The only catch to it...was that neither of us could ever tell anyone that I brought him back to life, by sharing my life force with him...for if I did he would die and take that part of me with him...and I would be lost forever...never knowing love, or true life again...forever lost and eternally apart. I looked at her and said I understood...but was still willing to do that for him.

Then I asked her one more question, how would the world take to having Criss Angel coming back from the dead...Zamora said that the past would be automatically be changed as if Criss never got murdered. I looked at Criss and said it was worth it...just to have his mom and brother's have him back...not to mention all his friends and loyal fans that would love to make this nightmare of Criss Angel being dead disappear...and so would I...for it would be very nice to love him in life when everybody could see...and not just me. Plus he would truly be happy doing what he always did best...entertain people from all over the world...and to have that connection with life again.

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