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As soon as Criss got me safely home...he kissed me and said he needed to see his family real quick...I gave his hand a squeeze and told him I'd see him later...then added how happy I was that he was back...he turned to me and said so was he, thanks to me. Then he got into his car and immediately checked his gas hand...then gave a sigh of relief when he saw it was full...then drove off to the other side of town to see his mommy and his brother's.

Criss looked at his childhood home and soaked it all in for a while before going to the door...and realized how much he really loved me for giving him this great gift. He went in the house and was surrounded by his family hugging and kissing him, and telling him how happy they all were to see him, and that it has been a long time since they got to see him for all of his work. Criss told them that he would take more time off work to spend time with his family, that he promises. Then he told his family about his idea of marrying me struck them all. Dimitra was overexcited about it...for she thought I was a very sweet and nice girl. JD said it was awesome but then added that wasn't I a little young for him...Criss looked at him and said not at all. Costa didn't care one way or the other about age difference...that he always thought I was a member of the family ever since Criss told him about me when I was born, and that I was meant to be with his little brother. Criss wrapped his arm around Costa and said how right he was...then Criss said he'd come back later and visit some more, but for now he had to do a lot of finessing on his old high school buddy Scott and his ole lady Sandy...to see if he could charm them enough to get them to let him marry me.

Criss finally pulled up in my parents' driveway and walked to the door...Sandy and Scott came out and welcomed Criss to their home like nothing had happened between them...Criss handed Sandy a rose, then told Scott he really needed to talk to him and Sandy about their daughter Kc. Scott asked him what about...Criss turned to him and said how much he loved me, and that he would do anything it takes to get them to allow him to marry me.

I was upstairs feeling nauseous, I ran into the bathroom and threw up many times before my mom came up to the room and heard me vomiting, and asked me if I was alright...I told her I didn't know, that it attacked me very suddenly. Mom checked my temperature and asked me if I needed her to take me to the Dr's. As I was trying to say no, I threw up some more and said maybe I should go in and be looked at.

Criss was still in the back talking to my dad, as mom took me to the Dr's office...when the Dr finished my physical...she said that I was as healthy as an ox...and very pregnant. I fell over when I heard her say that...I said that was impossible for I nev....I stopped myself and said that was really impossible to myself...for Criss was dead when I slept with him...I looked at my Dr, and told her not to tell my mom...just to tell her I had a bad reaction to something I ate. The Dr looked at me but agreed...then added that sooner or later everyone was going to notice. I told her that I only needed a little more time, then I would tell them myself.

Mom took me back home and that's when I saw Criss sitting in the chair on the porch, waiting for me. He looked at Sandy and nodded to her as she went inside...I ran over to Criss and grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet and said I needed him to go for a walk with me, that I had something I needed to tell him...Criss followed very willingly...as soon as I got around the block away from the house, I turned to him and told him I was pregnant with his child...then added how it was possible, for when he slept with me he was dead...Criss looked at me and said Zamora told us that everything would change, once he came back...so maybe when we slept together he was, in fact, alive. Criss added that he would be the happiest man on the planet if I was going to make him a daddy. I told him that I definitely was...then asked him how his talk with my dad worked out...Criss knelt down in the middle of the sidewalk and lifted his hand to me and showed me the engagement ring that was on his pinky...and asked me if I'd honor him by being his loving partner for all eternity...I let him place the ring on my finger and said forever my Angel of magical love...He got up and spun me around three times then flipped me over his shoulder and gave me a piggy-back ride all the way back to the house.

Tommy and Sissy both congratulated me when we both walked into the house...my mom was crying tears of joy, for she knew how much I loved him...and that he told her and Scott long ago that he would be with her one day...and now his premonition was coming true. My dad came up to me and asked me how I liked the surprise of getting to be with the man of my dreams...I told him as I squeezed his neck how much I loved him for allowing me to be with him. Criss agreed and thanked my entire family for welcoming him back to the household once again...only this time he really was a family member. Tommy went up to Criss and said yeah about that bro...how about lending your little brother a little money...for he wanted a very cool motorcycle down at the car lot downtown and he was short a thousand dollars...Criss looked at him then looked at me, and said he guessed he had to take the good with the bad...then chuckled as he got his wallet out and actually gave Tommy the money...Tommy jumped and kissed him and said he had a new favorite family member...then rushed out the door to get his bike. Criss looked at Sissy and without a reason handed her some money too...and said to go buy her something. Just to keep it even amongst his new siblings. I pulled him down and kissed his soft and moist lips and told him how much I adored and loved him. He picked me up bridal style and said he loved his Sweet Lil' Bess so much more...then crashed us both on the sofa and decided to watch 'My Cousin Vinny' starring Joe Pesci, and Marisa Tomei...with my parents.

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