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After my dad brought me back to the house, I still refused to think of Criss as dead, so everytime my family brought it up I ignored them...I went to my room and put in Mindfreak Season 2 disc 2, and as I watched it...Criss came through my floor and rose up and laid next to me and watched me as I watched him on TV. I felt a little good at knowing that I had Criss all to myself now and that I didn't have to share him ever, for I was the only one that could see, hear, and feel him. But as I watched the show, I looked at Criss as saw the look of sadness on his face knowing that he could never turn people on with his amazing talents anymore...or do any more of his demonstrations...I saw it was bumming him out, so I quickly turned off the TV...he looked at me and asked why I did that...I told  him I didn't like the way it was hurting him. He reached over and kissed my forehead, and said it could never hurt him to see me enjoy him on TV.

So instead of TV, I turned hooked up my mp3 player to my speakers and listened to music with him...it made him feel good hearing Korn, Godsmack, Celldweller, and himself on my player...a few times he even asked me to dance with him...so I did...my parents heard my laughter and dancing around, and thought I was taking Criss Angel's loss a little too well...for someone who was obsessed with him...but Scott just told Sandy to let me alone...that in time I would be fine.

It was now almost midnight, when my dad came to my door and told me it was time to settle down and go to bed...so I turned off the light, and turned my radio down, so they wouldn't have a cow...but to where I could still hear it...then I laid down next to Criss, and he wrapped his arms lovingly around me and snuggled up to me and told me good night...I kissed his cheek and told him night and that I loved him. After sleeping a few hours I woke up full of questions for him...I looked up at him and asked him if he still felt the same as he did before it happened to him...Criss thought about it a while, then said every emotion he had in life he still had in death...only it was amplified twice as strong. Then I asked him if my touch felt the same to him, as it did before...he softly said no...he felt the effects of my touch, but in order to know my touch he had to remember how it felt when he was alive...then put them together...but he had a very good imagination...and an even better memory.

I had a very sheepish look on my face when I asked him my next question...I got up and leaned over him, and looked right into his gorgeous eyes, and asked him if all of his plumbing still worked...he gave me a devilish grin and pulled me down to him, and while kissing my neck close to my ear...he whispered that there was one way to find out...I giggled as I looked up at him...and he closed his eyes and used his mind...the next thing I knew he was laying under me completely naked...he gave a little chuckle as he said one good thing about it...was he didn't have to waste time in physically removing all his clothes...all he had to do was think him out of his clothes...I gave him a sweet smile and sat up in bed and took my nightgown off...then laid back down on top of him, and just swam in the feel of his skin against mine...at that moment there was not a person alive that could tell me that I was sleeping with a dead guy...for he was real...for me...he was real.

Criss touched and caressed every inch of my body, as he kissed my neck and chest...he completely filled me up with passion. When he was ready, he asked me if it was alright for him to get intimate with me...I placed a very sexual french kiss on him, for his answer...he rolled me over to where he was on top of me now...then in one swift and smooth thrust he entered me...very deeply...never feeling one second of pain...his movements were like liquid flowing through me...I never wanted the ecstasy to stop...after the first orgasm of pleasure, he attacked with graceful but deep lustful hunger...he quickened his pace and made each tiny erection last longer until he fully erected and took me all the way...I was covered in sweat and he wasn't even breathing hard...that's when he realized he couldn't tire, for he was dead...he could go all night and day without breaking a sweat...but he saw how exhausted I was, so he snuggled up with me and kissed me very sensually and said he waited my whole life for this moment with me. Then he kissed my forehead and told me how much he loved his Sweet Little Bess...I mindlessly told him I loved my Sexy Greek Houdini so much more. Criss gave a little chuckle at the thought of knowing that Houdini's real wife was in fact named Bess...and that she called him Houdini...a couple of pure love even after Houdini died his Bess never let his memory go...until the day she joined him, by dying leaning up against her Houdini's grave marker at the Cemetary. I snuggled down and slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Criss stayed awake rubbing my back and shoulders...in deep thought of what really happened to him...just then he noticed a bright white light come out from my ceiling...then a transparent figure came out of the light, and told Criss it was time to go...he looked down at me, and said he wasn't leaving...the entity said he was dead and that it was time for him to come home where he belonged...he had nothing left on earth for his body was no more...that his soul needed to find peace upstairs where he belonged...he shed a few tears and stated that he wasn't ready to be dead yet...and that it wasn't fair...it wasn't his time to die!!...his life was stolen away from him...and that he was never going to leave my side. The entity went back to the light...and told Criss that the light would not come back again for him...if he refused to come now...he could never leave the parallel plain of earth...and he would forever haunt the earth...with his soul never finding peace...Criss looked into the light and said his peace was with me. The entity tried one more attempt by telling him that his father was waiting for him...and he looked up towards the heavens and said his dad knew his little boy and would understand...the light slowly left the room and disappeared altoghether...and Criss closed his eyes and went into a wierd sort of sleep state of memories.

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