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It wasn't until after me and my family were done eating cake and ice cream, and we were all sitting in the living room when it came to me, what was up with the sweet Bess nickname...my parents gave a look of disdain, but knew that was Criss's intentions to get me questioning...that way he could tell me the truth about him. Criss gave me a warm smile and said he was glad I asked...because he was in the mood to tell me the story. Sandy jumped up in protest, but Scott pulled her back down and said that I deserved to know.

Criss sat down next to me and after he told me that he was very good friends with my parents since high school, and clear up to the day I was born...then he told me he was the one to name me, and that's where I got the nickname Sweet Little Bess...for he gave it to me. I just sat there in total shock from it all...after he told me that my parents ran him off when I was 2 years old, from spite and jealousy...I looked at them with a mixture of disbelief and anger...for them never telling me. Criss then jumped up and said but that is the past, and let's dwell on the present and the future shall we.

All the time since I was 6 years old I was obsessed with Criss Angel, and now I was told that he had always been a huge part of my life...and I never knew it...Criss interrupted my deep thoughts and asked me if  I'd like to go watch a movie with him in my room. I jumped on the idea and said sure...I took him by the hand and we raced to my room...beens he beat me to the bedroom, he got to pick out the first...he chose an animated movie by Tim Burton...called  'Corpse Bride', it starred the voice talents of Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, and Emily Watson. After the show began I was sitting back in my bed, and he was standing up against the wall...five minutes later he was sitting on the edge of my bed...then finally he was laying right next to me, with his arm around my neck. 

The movie was still going when I couldn't stay awake any longer so I fell asleep on his shoulder...he finished the movie, then as he turned off the TV, he was about to get up and go crash on the couch...but I in my sleep wrapped my arms around him...he looked down and gave a little smile, and brushed my black hair from my face...then kicked his boots and socks off, and crawled in beside me, then he kissed my forehead and closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Scott and Sandy came up to my room and peeked in...when Sandy saw Criss sleeping with me...she wanted to storm in and give him a cussing...but Scott stopped her and said it was harmless...then removed his wife from the room and quietly shut the door, and headed off to bed themselves. It was now around midnight, I woke up and noticed Criss was still in my room sleeping peacefully next to me with me warmly in his arms. I slowly leaned over him and looked down at his beautiful face and slightly brushed his hair away from his face, and just gazed at him as he slept. I couldn't resist any longer and I slowly and calmly moved in very close to him and touched his soft velvety and luscious lips with mine...but hesitated and backed away, but I was overrun with curiosity, so I moved close to him again and this time place my lips on his and gave him a tiny smooch. He smelt so good, I was drowning in his wonderful scent. But as I moved away the second time his sexy hazel eyes were peering deep into mine...but before I could apologize he gently pulled me back down and place his lips back on mine and kissed me back.

I looked at him a little confused, but he just gave me his famous little grin, and kissed me again...for he knew it was going to happen all the time...ever since the day I first got placed into his arms when I was born. I nervously asked him if I could touch him...he looked into my baby blues' and said I could touch him anywhere I wanted to. I slowly moved my hands along his chest over his shirt, and trailed gently down toward his waist...I slid my hand under his shirt wanting to touch his skin...he hotly looked down at me, and removed his shirt in one graceful motion...I stared at his beautiful muscular chest in awe, Criss interrupted my daydream, by gently placing his hands down by my night shirts' tail...then lifted it up over my head slowly...and we just lay their drowning in each other's skin for a while...he still had his jeans on, but they were unbuttoned and unzipped.

Criss began to rub his magical hands all up and down my body...as if he was exploring every curve I had...then he kissed my forehead, and moved down and kissed every inch until he got to my lips again...I jumped inside a little when he caught me off guard, as he gently pushed his tongue in between my lips...and tickled my tongue with his. Criss Tasted so sweet, I couldn't resist him...I leaned over him, asking him for more with my eyes...Criss gently picked me up and brought me down directly on top of him...as he wrapped his arms around me and trickled his fingers up and down my back...ignoring my bra.

Criss took my bra off, then rubbed my breasts sensually but very softly, so not to scare me...but what he didn't realize was that nothing he ever did to me would ever scare me...at that moment I knew I loved him to no end. He lowered his head to my chest to trail butterfly kissed all along my breasts as he rubbed and squeezed the other one with his hand...I began to let out soft moans of pleasure as his kissing and rubbing got stronger and more intimate. Criss was now extremely turned on and moved his hands down to remove his jeans. But just as he was getting ready to get intimate with me...both of my parents stormed in and ordered him out of the house. Criss protested and fought back, but when Sandy went for the phone he backed off and pulled his boots on...and grabbed his shirt. He looked deep into my eyes and just for the hell of it, he pulled me up to him and laid a huge french kiss on me in front of them, and told me nothing was going to keep him away from me...that he would make it back to me...then he looked at Scott and Sandy and repeated NOTHING...was going to stop him, that I was his soulmate...and he would have me...one way or the other...and there would be nothing they could do about it...he spun around to look at me once more and told me he loved me...then he stormed out of the house. I hollered at my parents and told them I hated them...and that they had no right!!...then I tossed myself on the bed and cried myself into a deep sleep.

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