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Criss and I were preparing Johnny and Luke for our big wedding day...Criss decided on having an old fashioned backyard wedding at our home Serenity...which was fine by me...Dimitra finally got to bring out her wedding cake that she worked very hard on, and displayed it on the table next to all the wedding gifts and baby gifts...for we had the wedding and baby shower at the same time, just to get them over with at once. Criss was so proud of his little boys, that no one hardly got to hold them for big daddy was constantly holding, feeding, burping, and playing with them...but I loved watching every minute of it...Dimitra and Sandy finally got to hold their grandsons' while we were standing at the altar getting married...then as soon as the justice of the peace said he may kiss the bride...Criss was right back to holding his boys...and managed to hold me at the same time...he was a very possessive daddy and hubby...our family just laughed at him for it, but I loved it.

Dimitra asked Criss how he was going to manage being the Lord of Illusion and having his boys' in his arms at the same time...Criss looked at her and said even the Lord of Illusion needed his family...and said he could juggle them pretty good...I walked up to him and said not hardly big daddy...and that he needed to wait for them to be a little bit older before practicing magic tricks with them. Criss chuckled a little as I took them into the house and put them down for their nap-time, then strapped the baby monitor on my wrist and went back out with our guests. After the wedding reception was over and all the gifts were received, all our guests diminished and all that was left was our immediate family...his mom and brother's, and my parents and brother and sister.

My brother Tommy and sister Sissy didn't stay too long for they had dates of their own to try and tie down...my parents held their grandsons' one more time then kissed and hugged Criss and I, then congratulated us once more than told us goodbye and good luck. Criss just chuckled and said he was all the luck we needed...then went back inside holding my hand, and going to check on our two mini-Mindfreaks.

Uncle JD and Uncle Costa were taking their turns with the boys when we got inside and decided to let them spend some time with them...while we go upstairs and take a nice peaceful and relaxing bath together, then maybe get in a few winks of sleep before it was our turn to take our boys. Criss and I were asleep in the bedroom when JD stated he had to head home to help his wife out  with his kids...then handed Luke to his mom and headed out the door...Costa put Johnny in his bassinet and headed up to wake us up, when Dimitra told him not too, that she could handle looking after her grandbaby's until they got up...that they deserved a break. Costa grinned and slid down the railing and went back to his nephew and held him some more.

Criss woke up a few hours later and kissed my lips and let me sleep some more, as he rushed down the stairs..only to be hissed at by his mommy...for she just got them both to sleep...Criss asked where his two brother's ran off too, Dimitra said they had to go home to help out with their own kids. Criss asked her why she didn't wake him, and he would have came down to help her...Dimitra scoffed at him and said she raised three boys...that she thinks she could handle two very easily. Criss snickered as he tip-toed into the kitchen to get him a bite to eat.

I woke up and came down the stairs to see Criss holding both of his boys for as soon as gramma left the house they both popped their eyes open and wanted to rustle about...I sat down beside him as he handed Luke to me...then he got up and handed Johnny to me, so he could get their bottles ready...for they were getting cranky wanting their baba's.

Our two boys were growing like weeds it seemed like yesterday was when we brought them home from the hospital, and know they were already 2 years old and talking and scampering all through the house keeping daddy and mommy both very busy...Johnny was the calm and docile one out of our boys...Luke was a big ball of energy always and forever being curious about everything he shouldn't be playing with...and inquisitive about getting out of the safety gates...Criss was always grabbing his little houdini and saving him just before he hurt himself...I would always tell Criss playfully that Luke was just like his daddy...always looking for ways to hurt himself, a completely fearless and a real dare-devil. Johnny looked just like his daddy, but didn't have his craziness...but definitely had his daddy's charm. For he used it on me all the time.

Criss decided for all of us to go to the park so we could wear down our boys enough, so that maybe we could get some sleep tonight...Criss grabbed a soft ball and the boys' matching ball mits and we went to the park...I sat down holding Chicklet and Oso's leashes, while Criss tossed the ball back and forth in between his two boys...then he sat on one side of the seesaw as Luke and Johnny held onto each other on the opposite side and went up and down...after a few minutes the boys wanted to play on the slipper slide...Criss looked at it and said he wasn't sure if he would fit on that or not. I laughed at him when he got stuck in the middle of the slide and had four kids behind him giggling saying he was too big...Johnny and Luke slid down and screeched and giggled as they ran to me saying daddy stuck...I went up to the slide and told Criss to stop goofing off and let the kids go down the slide...Criss turned sideways and slid all the way down and purposely dropped to the ground on his ass and pouted saying I never let him have any fun...Johnny and Luke ran over to him and they both attacked him...then all the kids played dog-pile on Criss...Chicklet and Oso jumped in and began attacking everyone with their tongues and noses...Criss raised his bandanna and said he gives up, that they all win...

For all the kids victory Criss made a huge pail of candy appear under his bandanna and told them all to share it with all the kids...then he grabbed Luke and Johnny and came up to me and kissed me, and asked if he played long enough, and if it was time for dinner yet...I gave a little laugh and said yes playtime was over, and it was time for dinner. Johnny and Luke both were very hungry...and wanted pizza...I looked at Criss and said they had pizza three nights in a row already...but Criss said pizza was good with him. I snickered and said alright fine...pizza it is...I drove my three boys to Chuckie Cheeses, and Criss ended up getting our boys into playing in the ball room with him, and every other kid that was in the place...I laughed so hard, when all the parents thought my husband was such a child...playing in there with the kids...but I just bragged on him, and said he really loved his son's and all other kids as well. Criss noticed one of the little girls crying for one of the older boys picked on her and she had a little rug burn on her knees...Criss hollered timeout...then crawled over to her and made sure she was alright...he made her smile and kissed her owie then helped her out of the ball room, then he crawled out and told his boys he needed to straighten up for a while...he ran over to me and laid a huge kiss on me and said he was having fun...I ruffed his hair up and told him that was nice...but he needed to go back in and collect our boys...then added and only our boys, for it was time to get home, so we all could go to bed. Criss took a wild dive in the balls and began picking up kids until he found Johnny then he handed him out to me...Luke wanted to play hide and seek, so he kept swimming around under them and squealing everytime his daddy almost got him...half hour later Criss came crawling out holding Luke upside down by his ankles...saying with a huge grin on his face that he finally caught the right boy.

On the way home Criss was in the back seat holding both of our son's and all three of them were passed out, so I drove home alone, and I let the dogs out first, then I carried Johnny to his bed, then grabbed Luke and put him to bed...Criss was still asleep in the car...I crawled in and kissed his lips softly and told him we were home...he pulled me down and said that was nice...I smiled and giggled a little bit and asked if my tired little man needed help to his bed...he shook his head yes and held his arms out for me to carry him...I put his arms around me and let him lean on me as I helped him to our bedroom...he crashed on the bed without taking his clothes off, so I told him while snickering that he was a little to old for me to undress him and put him in his sleep shorts...he just chuckled a little and waited for me to take his clothes off...so like the good wife I got him into his jammie shorts and then I got into mine, checked on our boy's one more time then crawled in next to Criss and snuggled up to him, kissed him and told him how much of a wonderful husband and daddy he was...he pulled me on top of him, and kissed my neck, and told me how much of a perfect wife and mommy I was to all of my boys...then he reached over and turned out the lights.

                                                                          The End.

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