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JD slowly walked up to me and looked at me, then at the empty space in front of me and asked me who I was talking too...without looking at him I told him I was talking to Criss...JD grabbed me and spun me around a little violently and said his little brother was dead...and to stop with my childish charade...Costa grabbed JD and told him to ease off, that I was just in shock of the disaster, and this was my way of coping with my loss.

I pulled away from JD and went back into Criss's arms and he kissed my forehead and told me it was alright. Costa came up to me and watched as I was still hugging the empty air in front of me...but saw that I was, in fact, holding something by the way I was pressed up against some invisible force. Costa looked right at me and asked me who I was talking too...I told him the same as I told JD...I was talking to and holding Criss. Dimitra was begging her two boys to make me stop insinuating that her Crisstopher was standing there holding her...for it was beginning to get on her nerves...for she seen the coroner's take her little boy's body away twenty minutes ago. And that she was in no mood to have people starting in with the mind games...saying that everything that happened was a ruse, for she knew the truth...her baby boy was murdered last night, for his jewelry and his wallet.

JD told me that Criss never believed in afterlife bullshit, so he thought he knew I was making it all up in my mind...but I was really seeing Criss. Costa was a little more inquisitive...so he asked me to prove it to him that I was, in fact, talking with and holding his brother...I brushed the tears from my eyes and asked him how. Costa thought on it for a moment...then remembered when he was a kid, Criss found out something that Costa was hiding under his mattress that he took from their Uncle's garage sale...but he gave his word that he would never tell on him...so he asked the question out loud so Criss could hear it...then Costa told me, if Criss was really here...for me to tell them all his answer. For Criss and Costa were the only two people to know the answer.

I looked over at Criss and he said that was an easy one...it was the February Issue of Playboy magazine...for Costa had the hots for Miss February...and that everytime mom went in to clean the bed clothes and change them out...Costa would run in his room first and hide the issue in his closet under his skateboard and baseball glove. I relayed Criss's answer to them, and Costa immediately went into my arms shedding tears, for he believed me...for there was no way I could have answered it correctly without Criss telling me. JD was still not sure about it...so Criss told me a little secret that he knew about his older brother...and I whispered it in his ear...JD turned bright red and cussed Criss out for telling me that...he turned to me quickly and asked me where he was...I showed JD and he tried strangling him...but Criss just laughed and said that he was already dead.

Dimitra didn't know what to make of it at all...I moved away from her boys, and gently took her hand and brought her to where Criss was standing...then I told Criss to touch her hand...I then asked Dimitra to close her eyes and think with all her heart that her little boy was standing right in front of her...touching her hand...I then added to forget about the reality of what she's seen here today...and just believe with her whole heart, that Criss was right here standing next to her. After her third attempt...she slowly opened her eyes and she saw her son's loving face smiling down at her...she burst into tears and wanted to hug him, but she went through him...so she just hugged where she saw him...he told her it was fine...that he felt her with his whole heart.

Dimitra told JD and Costa to do the same thing so they could see their brother...Costa was so willing to give it a try...but JD was wanting nothing to do with it...Costa tried it one time and saw his brother looking at him...Costa turned to JD and said it was real...Criss was right here!! JD looked at all of us and said we were all crazy! that Crisstopher was dead! Murdered by thugs and hauled off by the coroners' an hour ago!! Criss walked up to JD and slapped him across the head and playfully called him a chickenshit. JD dropped to the ground for he heard Criss and felt his head slap he gave him...but couldn't see him...I looked at JD and told him he'd better apologize to Criss...

JD stood up and asked me where he was at...I showed him one more time and he closed his eyes and thought very hard about Criss...Criss made a joke and said he could see the steam coming from his brother's ears. JD told him to shut up...as he opened his eyes he too could see his brother not as a solid figure and mildly transparent, but he saw him none the less. Criss told his family to apologize to me for not believing me...but I looked at Criss and asked him if it were the other way around would he of believed me if I told him I could see his brothers...Criss looked right at me and said no he wouldn't have...for according to Jim Calahan he was an ethnological bigot...and that he didn't believe in ghosts or spirits....until he became one himself...

My father grabbed me and told the officer's that I was hysterical, and coping with my loss the only way I knew how...my imagination...and pulled me to the car and drove me to the house...Dimitra asked her son what was going to happen now...Criss told his family as he slowly vanished from their sight...that he was going to be with his Sweet Little Bess no matter what.

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