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I pleaded with Criss to let me do this for him, but he kept refusing saying it was too much of a cost for me...and he'd rather stay dead and be with me, then take half of everything that I was just for him to have blood in his veins and air in his lungs...even though he admitted how nice it would be to hold his family again. I told him I wanted to do this for him...that he didn't deserve to die...and that I wanted him to live again.

Criss kept being stubborn and finally begged me to go home and think about it overnight...and not to jump to the wrong conclusion hastily...so I walked out of the store, and headed home with Criss at my side, with him begging me not to give up so much for him...but I turned to him, and clearly stated that I would give my life if it meant that he could live again...but it didn't require my life...just half of my life force...which was worth it to me...and that he just didn't realize how much he meant to me.

Criss wrapped his arms around me, and stated that he knew exactly how much I loved him...and he loved me right back...but if he really loved me, he would never let me sacrifice so much for him...I added if he knew how much I loved him, he would never beg me not to show my love for him, by bringing him back to me. Criss had nothing...he just followed me home and waited for me to go to my room, then he snuggled down with me and waited for me to go to sleep...Once I was sound asleep, Criss  decided to use his ghostly abilities to scare my sister a little bit just for the hell of it...make it a class act haunting. He went into Sissy's bedroom and saw that she was taking a shower...Criss went into the bathroom and waited for her to get out...then he went to the mirror and wrote BOO! in big letters while she was brushing her teeth. Sissy looked up and saw the word on the mirror and screamed bloody murder and ran downstairs in her bath towel...Sandy and Scott ran to her as she was screaming there was a ghost in her bathroom!!! Criss snickered to himself for he always wanted to do that...then went back into my room...I was up in bed wondering what Sissy was screaming about, but when Criss came in with that childish grin on his face, I knew. 

I told him while laughing that he was so bad...my parents came into my room and asked me if I wrote that on Sissy's mirror while she was taking a shower, and I told them no...that her screaming woke me up from a nice sleep. Sissy insisted that no one was in the bathroom with her when she saw the writing appear on the mirror. I looked over at them and said it was just Criss fooling around...Sissy ran up to me and said that Criss was dead!!...I looked back to her and said I knew that, but just because he was gone in body, didn't mean that he wasn't here with me in spirit. Plus for the fact that Criss always loved pestering her, and freaking her out.

My parents told me to cool it that Criss was not a ghost in our house...he was gone, and to stop talking about him...just then Criss took Scott's neck-tie, and flipped it back and forth and pulled him around in a circle...my dad was freaking out...Sissy ran into her room and slammed the door. My mom looked around and didn't see anything...but she was beginning to believe my story about Criss and she asked Criss to stop scaring her husband...Criss stopped instantly and began playing in her hair instead...mom's eyes got real big and she backed out of the room and told Scott that the house was haunted by something...dad looked at me, and asked me if I could see Criss...I told him yes. I asked Criss to come to me, and he lifted me up in the air and it looked like I was floating...I laughed and asked Criss to put me down. He very playfully tossed me on the bed. My parents didn't know what to think...so they just smiled at me and walked out of my room...with my mom adding he was welcome to stay as long as he stayed in my room, for I seemed to be the only one that was enjoying the haunting.

After the adrenaline rush was over, it was time for bed...I asked Criss to turn out the light and come to bed...he looked at the light and it went off...then he slid in bed next to me and snuggled up to me and went to sleep. But my mind wouldn't turn off, all I could think about was going to Zamora and getting Criss back. Criss felt my tension and knew what I was thinking about...and he realized that he wouldn't be able to change my mind about it.

I woke up early that morning and got dressed and quickly ran out the door...Criss followed me and tried one more time to change my mind...but my mind was set on getting Criss Angel back. So Criss finally agreed to it, that if it was what I really wanted, then he would accept the greatest gift I could ever give him. I hugged him and told him thanks for understanding me. We walked into the store and Zamora came out from the back...and said she knew I would be back...I told her that we both agreed to the challenge of bringing Criss back to life.

Zamora grabbed an old leather pouch and said we needed to go to his grave to where his body was...Criss and I followed her to the Cemetary and headed straight to the above ground casket that held Criss's body. Zamora magically lifted the lid to the casket and said a chant in ancient Egyptian over his body...then told me to come over to the body and by my own hand and free will to cut myself and let my blood drip into his mouth...then I needed to step into the ring she had created...I did that then she told Criss to step into the ring as well and to place both of his hands with mine as if we were praying together. I told her it was done...then she came up to me and told me under no circumstances was I to open my eyes, until she said I could. I closed my eyes and said OK...Criss asked if he had too, but she said no...then she opened the leather bag and began tossing the powder all over both of us...while chanting more ancient words that neither of us could understand...I began to feel weak, as Criss watched white mist flow from my body and into his hands...then Criss began to be forcefully lifted...Zamora told him not to fight it...for the magic was putting his spirit back into his body. Criss watched as I fell to the ground...but Zamora promised that I was fine...but just asleep. 

Criss began to feel nauseous as his living body was once again creating life in his organs and blood filling his veins...he tried to sit up, but Zamora told him to stay down until the process was complete...a few hours later Criss stood up and jumped out of the coffin...his eyes were still trying to focus in and out, but he was back...the bullet holes disappeared as the two bullets fell out on the ground and vanished. Zamora walked up to him and told him to remember that they could never tell a soul about what happened here today. Criss ran over to me and picked me up and carried me to Zamora's store. I woke up and was still in Criss's arms, Zamora began to speak into the looking glass, and then blew the powder through it...and closed her eyes...when she opened them...she said everything was done...Criss Angel was back and the world was as it was...and Criss Angel was never attacked. I thanked her very much after paying for her services then I jumped in Criss's arms and told him how much I loved him...he spun me around and once he finished he asked me if I would marry him. I gave him a loving smile and said if he could talk my parents into allowing it. Criss looked at me, and said he would never let them run him off a third time.

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