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The next few weeks went by so quickly before I knew it...my wedding day was just a day away. And I was full of butterflies fluttering around in my tummy...not to mention a little boy moving around letting me know that the food I fed him was a little spicy and know he was active. Criss came over to me as I was looking at the wedding dress Dimitra handed down to me, for she had three boys...but now she had a daughter to give it to. Criss kissed my neck and told me how amazing I was going to look in it.

I told him how nervous I was about the wedding tomorrow...Criss kept kissing on me and rubbed his hands on my tummy and said it was going to be perfect...and not to be nervous...for we were finally going to be together, just like we dreamed of...Criss changed the subject to take my mind of my nervousness and asked me what we were going to name our son. I thought about his question for a while then asked him what he wanted to name his son...my mom came in and gasped on the subject we were talking about...she looked at me and asked me if I was really pregnant.

I turned to her and said yes I was, and that it was going to be a little boy...and that me and my hubby to be, were thinking about names for him. My mom began spouting names to us both...then Criss added in a few...and I wrote them all down on a piece of paper...

Sonny James Sarantakos-JJ Nicolas Sarantakos-Harley Davison Sarantakos-Luke Jamison Sarantakos-Mickey D. Sarantakos-Johnny Crisstopher Sarantakos-Nicolas Johns Sarantakos-Klay Scott Sarantakos-Jonathan Angel Sarantakos-Kiefer Nicolas Sarantakos-Lee Constantine Sarantakos-Billy Jack Sarantakos- and Cordell Nicolas Sarantakos.

I was so overwhelmed with names that I couldn't pick a favorite...I told Criss I liked almost all of them...and that I was going to leave it up to him to name. He said he would think about it, then headed over to Dimitra's house to see if the wedding cake was going to be ready for tomorrow...Criss looked at it and was amazed at his mom's work...he kissed her cheek and said it was beautiful...then he told her that I was pregnant with his child...Dimitra jumped up for joy and wrapped her arms around her son's neck and cried tears of happiness...telling him how proud of him she was, for finally giving her a grandson. Then he ran back to my house and told me that he had to tell his mommy the great news. Just then I had a serious pain hit me and I knelt over the bed...Criss quickly sat next to me and asked me what was wrong...for he was having pains in his stomach as well. I told him I needed to go to the Dr's...he picked me up and hollered down the stairs to my dad and told him to start his car...Criss carried me to his car and drove like a bat outta hell to the Dr's...then passed the wheelchair and carried me to the office and said it was an emergency...the nurse showed him the way to one of the rooms and said the Dr would be in very soon...she came in moments later and asked me 20 questions while she was pressing my belly in different places...then she pulled my shirt up and grabbed the lotion and spread it all over, then grabbed the sonogram wand, and turned on the screen. When she looked at the screen she said I was not pregnant with one child...but two!! and that they were both boys...and the reason I was in so much pain was for the fact one of the infants was in a little distress.

Criss quickly asked what needed to be done...beens the babies were only 6 months and that was a little too premature to deliver through C-Section. The Dr said that it was possible but not necessary if she could move him from the outside without having a premature delivery...and that she would like to try that first...but it would be a little bit painful for me...Criss said to himself and him too...but he was more important to help their babies. So they agreed and she began moving them...I screamed a couple times and I saw Criss wince in pain but he controlled his pains better than I did. After an hour of painful moving...she said it was successful and said I could go back home.

Criss carried me to the car and once we were alone...he said that hurt bad...I told him I was sorry, and if he thought that was bad...wait until the labor pains come...Criss winced at the thought of sharing those pains with me...but turned to me during the stop light and said every pain he shared with me was worth it...and he wouldn't change it now for the world. I told him I loved him, then changed the subject to what were  we going to name our two boys now instead of just one. Criss said he was now twice as happy...and soon our entire family's would know that we were having two boys instead of one.

Criss carried me to the house, and laid me down in my bed and then for he had the same pains I did he crashed down beside me and asked me if I needed anything...I told him all I needed was him to hold me. He wrapped his arms around me, and whispered how much I loved him...then due from exhaustion we both took a short catnap...when Criss woke up he said he would name one of the boys and I would name the other one...I chose Johnny Crisstopher for my name...for after Criss's dad, and the middle name was after him, plus for the fact that is was a very adorable name. Criss looked at the list for a very long time then stuck his lip out pouting for the fact that he was stuck on four of the names...Sonny James, Luke Jamison, Mickey D., and Kiefer Nicolas...he couldn't decide which one he liked the most. I just smiled at him and said he had to decide on one of them.

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