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Criss jumped into his Lambo and peeled off down the road extremely pissed off, for the fact that he couldn't believe he was actually letting them run him off a second time...he looked down at a flashing light, and realized he was out of gas...he cussed to himself and headed to the all night gas stop in between from Scott's house and his mommy's house on the far end of town...which was where he was heading, before his empty tank told him not yet...he pulled up and put the nozzle in the tank and let it fill up as he went in to get a drink and prepay.

By the time he got out the machine had shut off, so all he had to do was put the cap on and drive off...as he put the gas cap on, he noticed his tire was low...so he pulled up on the far side of the gas stop where the air hose was and aired up his tire...then he sat in the seat for a moment to clear his head...then in the darkened alley...two guys snuck up on him...he barely turned to look out his window when the last thing he saw was a barrel of a 38 Special...

The next thing Criss knew was he was standing just outside of Kc's bedroom window in the front yard...he looked around and wondered how he got there...beens his car was nowhere to be found...plus for the fact that the chilly night air had made frost collect on the blades of grass around his feet, and yet he wasn't cold at all...

The next morning I woke up, and went downstairs to see my parents were acting like nothing had happened...they tried talking to me, but I resented them both and refused to talk to them...so I grabbed some milk and made a peanut butter sandwich and went back to my room. Once I was back in my room I slammed the door shut and locked it...I looked up and dropped my glass of milk on the floor when I saw Criss standing by the window looking at me...I ran over to him and gave him a hug and told him I missed him so badly...he smiled at me and hugged me back.

I pulled him in bed next to me, just wanting him  to hold me...so he did...but he didn't say one word. My parents came up to the room and used their key to unlock my door, I knew we were going to get into trouble for Criss being here, but there was nowhere for him to go...my parents came in with very sad faces on, and tears were pouring down their cheeks...they ignored Criss all together and hugged me and told me how sorry they were...I didn't understand at all...so I asked them why...Sandy sat down next to me and said very slowly that Criss was found this morning in his car with the driver side window busted in and that Criss had two bullets in his head...thugs had killed him and then stole all his jewelry and his wallet.

After what my mom was saying to me sunk in...I told them both that they were crazy for Criss was laying right beside me...my dad looked beside me and saw nothing...then when I refused to believe them, my dad grabbed me and took me to the TV downstairs and told me to watch the news...sure enough it said, Criss Angel The Mindfreak was in fact murdered last night. I plugged my ears and closed my eyes and hollered at all of them they were Lying!!! I ran back up to my room and jumped in bed and wrapped around Criss, and kept saying it was a lie, and that it wasn't real...but Criss didn't know himself.

Scott came back up to the room and told me to get dressed...so under protest I got dressed, and followed him to the car...Criss jumped in next to me to go to. Twenty minutes later he pulled up at the gas station where the police and yellow tape was still everywhere...Scott knew the Sgt. very well and asked him to prove to me that Criss was, in fact, dead...the Sgt. didn't like the idea of letting a teenage girl see Criss like this, but when Scott told him she wouldn't believe it any other way...he slowly agreed to it. My dad grabbed me out of the car and tossed me in front of the gurney...then unzipped the black bag...and ordered me to look!...that Criss Angel was dead!! That it wasn't one of his illusions...he was fucking dead!! I looked down at the bag and saw Criss's beautiful face lifeless on the gurney...I went into hysterics as I touched his face and brushed his hair away from his eyes...I held him close to me as I cried and rocked back in forth...I wouldn't let them move me on inch...and I wouldn't let them take him away either...I just kept touching his face and kissing him over and over telling them that it wasn't real...and that he wasn't gone.

Dimitra came over to my father and slapped him very hard in the face for letting me see her son like this...for Criss told her all about me...then she came over to me and put her arms around me and told me that he was gone, then she commenced to crying again while holding me...Costa pulled both of us away from Criss and slowly zipped the bag back up...but before he zipped it all the way he kissed his little brother on the head one last time...then told them to get him out of here. Dimitra turned me loose after they drove off with Criss's body...I just stood there in hysteria, and deep emotional loss...then I turned around and heard Criss's voice...I followed it and thought I was loosing my mind. But then he told me he was standing right in front of me.

I told him he was dead, but he kept telling me as he was crying that he was right here...I kept telling him I couldn't see him anymore...he asked me to hold out my hand...by that time everyone was watching me...Dimitra, Costa, JD, and my dad were all looking at me wondering what I was doing. I held out my hand and he put his on mine and then asked me to close my eyes real tight...so I did....then he asked me to believe that he was standing in front of me...and that he wasn't gone...but he said I had to believe it with my whole heart and soul...so I did...and before I opened my eyes I felt his warm hand touching mine...I smiled insecurely for being able to sense his presence, and feel his touch...then he asked me to slowly open my eyes...when I did tears of relief came over me...for I actually saw Criss standing in front of me holding my hand...and I jumped in his arms...with him telling me he said he'd never leave me.

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