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Criss and I decided on waiting until after our boys' were born before having our wedding...that way I wouldn't be so miserable, for all the misery I was going through...he was going through as well...Criss was still having a very difficult time on choosing a name for our second boy. But everyone he asked they ended up not being any help for they all chose different ones...there was never a majority on just one of the names...he asked me and I told him it was his job to name the other one...beens I named one already...buried his head in his pillow and said he never thought it would be so difficult naming his son. But out of the four names he had left off the list...he favored Sonny James and Luke Jamison the most...but he knew that I liked Kiefer Nicolas better...and he didn't know which one to pick.

But I told him that I loved all the names, just to ease his mind from it...Criss looked at me, then said in order for this to be fair...we should just have 4 kids...that way he could pick all the names for each of them. I burst out laughing and told him that he would change his mind when the labor pains hit us both. He chuckled a little and said for his kids...all the pain in the world would be worth it to him...then he kissed me very deeply and told me how much he loved and adored me...for saving him and bringing him back. I looked deep into his gorgeous penetrating hazel eyes and told him I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Criss felt the pain of my water breaking before I did, and he told me to hurry up and get into the car!!...I asked him why...and he said my water was going to break very soon...I didn't argue with him and jumped in the car...and sure enough about a block before we got to the hospital...water went everywhere in his car...Criss winced in pain from it while he was driving and asked me if I could hold off on the pains until he parked the car...but he managed to carry me to the entrance and hollered for help, that his wife was having babies!!! Three nurses quickly took me from Criss and rushed me to the emergency room. Criss was having so much pain that he decided to stay in the lobby for a moment...he told himself that guys don't know what pain is until they felt labor pains and delivery pains...but he needed to be with his Sweet Bess, so he stammered to the room and looked through the window.

The nurses were standing behind the desk wondering what Criss was screaming in pain for...one of the nurses said that some men actually were so close to their spouses that they had sympathy pains for them...all the nurses thought how sweet that was...for him to go through it with his wife...one of the nurses came out and asked Criss if he'd like to cut the cord...Criss walked in and beens I was know sedated by the meds he could handle the pain, and went in and cut the cord...and then she cleaned his first boy off and handed him to Criss...shortly after one came out the second boy flew out...Criss cut his cord too, then the nurse cleaned him up and placed him in his proud daddy's other arm, and Criss stood there holding both of his son's and a huge burst of pride shot through him.

The nurse asked him what the names were going to be, but Criss said he wasn't saying until I woke up to help choose which name goes to which boy...the nurse said that was fine, but she and the other nurse had to take them and measure, weigh, and give them a full checkup to make sure they were in perfect health. Criss slowly handed them to the nurses, then knelt down on the side of the bed and held my hand...and reached up and kissed my forehead...whispering in my ear that how proud he was of me for giving him two beautiful sons, and making him a daddy. Then he sat in the chair and fell asleep, still holding my hand.

I woke up with Criss still holding my hand, and I pulled his hand to my lips and kissed it...he woke up and stood up and brushed the hair from my face and asked me how I was feeling...I told him very exhausted, but alright...then I asked about our babies...he said they were both beautiful and very healthy...but he was waiting for me to come around before giving the names to them. A nurse walked in and I asked her when I could be released...she said tomorrow...then congratulated us both, then left. I reminded Criss to call our families and let them know that everything went ok, and I was fine...Criss squeezed my hand and went in the hallway to make the phone calls...and I drifted back off to sleep...very at peace for the fact that our babies were fine and I was going to be fine.

The next morning I woke up and I was ready to leave the hospital...I was moving all around the room waiting for Criss to come in with our babies...Criss finally made it in and handed me my jacket and said it was time to go...I told him I wanted to hold our babies...Criss smiled at me and said the nurses would bring them down to the lobby while he was signing me out...I sat down on the sofa waiting for the nurses to bring me our son's...Criss sat down next to me and waited with me...ten minutes later, the nurses came down, holding our two bundles of joy...one handed me one and the second nurse handed Criss our other son.

I looked at both of them and couldn't believe that Criss and I made these beautiful little boys...I took one look at the boy Criss was holding and told him that he was going to be Johnny Crisstopher...Criss put his pinky next to the little boy I was holding and said then this little guy will be Luke Jamison. I looked at Criss and smiled and said he finally chose one of the names...he looked at me and said it was the first one that popped in his mind. I kissed him and said they were both perfect names...the nurse wrote the names down and said there certificates would be mailed to them in a week, along with their S.S. cards. 

Criss and I both gave them our thanks, then we headed to the car to take our sons to say hello to their big family.

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