Chapter 13:Million Dollar Houses

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Vic's POV
I looked my perfect boyfriend whom was cuddled into my side snoring lightly. He stirred in his sleep,
"Vic, babe, where you watching me sleep." he mumbled into my neck sending shivers down my spine.
"Haha, yeah." I replied awkwardly.
"Well I'm gonna go make us breakfast, okay?" Kellin said sitting up and putting on his boxers.
I love him so much and I can't believe I've put him through so damn much. He's perfect. These last 2 years have been the best of my life and you know what? I think I want that forever.
"Hey babe, breakfast is ready!" Kellin yelled from the kitchen. I walked downstairs and saw pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I made my plate and sat at the table and stuffer my face with my food.
"This is really good!" I said through all the food in my mouth.
"I can tell by the way you're stuffing your mouth." Kellin replied smirking and putting his last bit of pancake in his mouth.
"I'm gonna go take a shower." Kellin explained, standing up. He kissed my cheek and ran upstairs to the bathroom. Okay Kellin is in the shower I need to call Mike and tell him this.




M: Hey bro
V: I think I want to marry Kellin
M:Really dude?
V: Yeah man.
M:That's great.
V:Okay, I'm gonna do it.
M:tell me how it goes.
And with that the call ended, I heard the shower water cut off and that's how I knew Kellin was out the shower.
"Hey baby, I'm gonna go out I'll be back." I shouted upstairs.
"Okay love you, but where are you going?" Kellin yelled back.
"I'm going to get groceries." I yelled back.
"I love you too." I yelled walking out the house.
I sped to the diamond store on the Main Street of sunny San Diego.

(In the Store)

"That'll be $20,000.00." The cashier said.
I handed him my card and smiled to myself. This will be the day I marry the love of my life. I got a silver band for the both of us. Mine has forever and his has always carved into it. It stands for "Forever and Always" I went to the grocery store and bought chocolate filled with cocoanut and cherry cream sodas because those are his favorites.
I reached the house and opened the door to reveal the sweet scent of tacos in the house. My beautiful boyfriend was in the kitchen.
"Kells, I'm home." I said walking into the kitchen grabbing a taco.
"Someone's hungry." Kellin smirked.
I just nodded. Kellin and I finished our food and we just sat there.
"Kellin can we go to the beach?" I asked nervously.
" Yeah come on." He replied.

Kellin's POV
I didn't really do anything today, I just talked on the phone with Katellyne and Justin and jack for a while then I saw copeland. Now that I think about it, Vic was gone for a while. I snapped out my thoughts when Vic and I began walking to the beach. Vic brought his guitar and a bag filled with, who knows what.
We sat down and Vic began to sing to me:

As we wake up in your room,
Your face is the first thing I see,
The first time I've seen love
And the last I'll ever need.

You remind him that your future would be nothing without him,
Never lose him, I'm afraid,
Better think of something good to say

But it's all been done, more than once so I'll keep on trying,
Oh God don't let me be the only one who says...

No, At the top of our lungs.
There's no, no such thing as too young.
When second chances won't leave you alone,
There's faith in love.

He was always the one,
I'll repeat it again, the one,
No such thing as too young,
Red lights flash in the car we're kissing in.
Call me crazy.

I've always tried to remind him that the future's
Just a few heartbeats away from disaster.
I'm afraid that I've thrown it all away.

No! At the top of our lungs,
There's no, no such thing as too young,
Second chances won't leave you alone.

No at the top of our lungs,
There's no, no such thing as too young,
Second chances won't leave you alone.

We'll repeat it again,
There's no, no such thing as too young,
Second chances won't leave you alone,
Cause there's faith in love.

If you kiss me goodnight,
I'll know, everything is alright,
Second chances won't leave us alone,
Won't leave us alone,
'Cause there's faith in love

"Kissing in cars, Vic I love that song." I smiled at him.
"Kellin, look I love you and I'm so sorry for all the pain I put you through, but I really have fallen in love with you in these 2 years. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, I guess what I'm trying to say is...Kellin Quinn Bostwick will you marry me?" Vic said biting his lip.
"Vic of course I'll marry you." I jumped into his lap and and kissed his face. He pulled out chocolate and cream soda. My favorites. We kissed and talked all night, well until about 2 in the morning. We walked into the house and stripped down to our boxers. We laced our hands together and we drifted off to sleep.

This was the best day of my 26 years I've been on earth.

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