Not A Lost Cause After All

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Frank P.O.V

"Frank Iero please report to the principles office." The intercom said.

All of my classmates look at me and some of them smirk, the girls were looking at me like 'that's so sexy'. In reality that's not sexy it's just the fact that I'm a bad ass boy that gets in trouble half the time. That's why they are like that.

I slowly got up and and winked at a blonde girl sitting in front of me.

She can be a good fuck. "Hey baby girl meet me in the back of the school at lunch." I whisper into her ear.

I saw her blushing before she nodded. "Okay."

I smirk and got fully up before heading my way to the principles office.

The walk to the principles office was boring and awfully quiet. I hated it.

I knocked on the principle door and waited for what seemed like forever but he finally open the door.

"Ah Iero come in, come in." He says. He stepped aside so I could walk through.

Immediately I walked to the plush red wine chair behind his office desk. Shut your mouth and get this over with.

"So? Iero I heard that you were causing trouble. Is that true?" He asked walking to his desk.

"Actually I wasn't making trouble I was saving my friend." I was not fucking making trouble. He needs to go and suck a dick.

"Then why was there an ambulance. NOW THE SCHOOL IS ON THE NEWS AND SCHOOL IS OUT BECAUSE OF YOU!" He screamed.

"Yup because saving my friend from suicide is such a bad thing." I got up and stormed out the the room.

"Mr. Chance go suck a dick!" I yelled before I was meet with Mikeys Mom, Donna.

"Excuse me? Is that anyway to talk to a principal like that?" She ask putting her hand on her hip.

That fucking bitch. You are lucky you are older or else I would slap the living fuck out of you.

"Sorry." I said.

"Don't say it to me say it to Jack." She said.

Jack? That must be the fucker's name. "Sorry, "

"Good now will you excuse me I have to talk to him." She says

"Wait no Frank needs to come too. He needs do exclaimed what happen." He raised his eyebrows.

Oh fuck you.

I walked back to his office and sat back down. I slump more down on my chair when they returned. Donna's face did not look happy at all.

"So explain to Mrs. Way what happen." And he took a seat giving me an evil look.

"Okay I did nothing wrong though." I turned to face Mrs. Way. "I tried to talk to your son and he refused to answer and keep in mind that I have anger issues. I got mad at him for not answering and he got scared and ran. I knew what he was going to do so I ran after him. When I got in the school I couldn't find him so I walked and I saw him. So I ran towards the bathrooms and it was lock. I asked him to unlock the door and he did but he collapse and I carried him to the nurse and the nurse called the ambulance." I said taking in a long breath. I gave a look at Mr. Chance then I looked back at Mrs. Way.

"I-i-i didn't know. I'm sorry I shouldn't be mad at you." Mrs. Way said.

"Since this is settled can I asked you both to leave my office is have things to get to." Mr. Chance said gesturing to the door.

We both got up and left the office. I have a bad feeling about that man. I don't know what it is but I know it's something.

I probably only have a few minutes until lunch and I don't feel like waiting so I headed to the back of the school and waited for that one chick.

Gerard's P.O.V

I was just floating. Around me is pitch black and I feel so empty. I try to move but I can't. Maybe you're dead. I can't be. I thought Frank would save me.

Then if you're not dead, why can't you move.

I could move.

Prove it then.

Fine I will.

I try once more before something  weird happens. I could move and the I see the darkness slowly fading into a picture.

I step closer and the picture I was trying to see, literally eats me. I close my eyes in fright. There were noises all over. Some were the droplets of tears, I also head horrible cries and sobs. I could heard words but it was a muffled and barely audible.

Then it went dead silent. I slowly open my eyes and what I saw was so confusing.

I was in a hospital. And nurses and doctors were frenzy. I walked around the crowd until I saw why they were acting so crazy. It was me and I looked so pale and my lips were almost purple. I looked at the Hart monitor and the line was dead.

Make a choice.

What? Who said that?


What choice?


I looked around and saw my mom outside the room crying holding Mikey. I took a closer look and saw that he was crying? 

That makes no sense how could he cry now? He has seen me get beat up by his friends and dad. I don't understand.


I choose.....I choose...umm. I look at my brother and saw how sad he was. I can't leave him like this.


When you have chosen you can't redo what you said. I think I will see you again soon.

All of a sudden I started to float and the hospital started to fade away until I was in pitch black again. Only this time I heard a beeping noise.


I tried to move and I felt a pain shot through me. I felt like a thousand pounds was on my body but not me eyes.

I slowly open my eyes and when they were fully open I was blinded by a bright light.



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