I'm Am Idiot

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Gerard P.O.V


I couldn't get myself to move or even speak. I stared at the bright lights on the ceiling. The light hurt my eyes. I felt the energy run through me.

"Mikey go and get the doctor." I heard my mom said but her voice seemed so far away.

What is wrong with me?

I want to get up and leave but it's like I physically can't do anything. It feels like a thousand pounds of weight on my stomach leaving me to rot.

I heard the door open again and two pairs of feet coming towards me. I felt a pair of hands checking the heart monitor and things like that.

Then I saw a flashlight shine in my eyes. "He is wearing off the medication so he might be a little fizzy. The doctors say that he is chemically (it is a real thing i might have so no pun intended) depressed so we will describe him prescription but you must hold all of his medication." He says.

"Why isn't he moving or talking. He is just staring at the light. Doctor what is wrong with him." My mom says grabbing my hand.

"I don't know why, I'm just here to make sure he is alive." I heard. Wow even your doctor hates you.
Ya because I'm pathetic. I wouldn't blame him, in all honesty.

I heard the door once again open. "If you sign these papers you can leave." The sweet lovely voice said. It must be the nurse.

I heard a shuffle of feet walking around and I heard my mom say, "Mikey stay with your brother I'll be back." And the door closed once more.

"I can't believe you Gerard. You really are pathetic having Frank find you. Speaking of Frank I'm gonna call him." Mikey says.

Moments later I hear the clicking of buttons indicating that he was actually calling Frank. Yes now Frank can see how weak you are.

"Hey Frank. I guess what I'm here with your pathetic boyfriend you should meet me at the hospital-" I heard him say something but it was too quiet to understand. "Ya like right now. I bet Gerard will be happy- ok I'll shut up." After that said Mikey hung up the phone and looked looked at me.

"Your boyfriend is coming." I turned my head in pure anger.

I grabbed the pen on the table besides me and got a piece of paper and wrote 'HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND. I shoved the note in Mikey's hand.

I watch as he scanned the paper. "I don't understand why you won't talk. What's so bad in the world that makes you not talk. I think it's stupid. Oh and yes he is, he told me that he wants to be your boyfriend." Mikey says right before his phone rang.

He picked up his phone and answered it putting the phone to his ear. "Hi. Yea it's room 201. Yup see you there or here... never mind. Okay bye."

Shit! He is actually coming. I thought he was lying. Yea he is. You are wrong all the time... well most of the time.

I finally gave up on fighting with my head and laced back down. Yay my crush will see my all torn up. Just what I needed.

There was a faint knock at the door. It was so quiet, that kind knock can't be Frank. Well the Frank I know. Usually he barges in not giving two flying fucks.

This knock was sweet and gentle. Like a pillow. That can't be him but when Mikey opened the door Frank appeared in the door way.

Mikey stepped aside so Frank could come in. Frank walked in but it was like trudging instead of walking.

"I'll give you guys space. I'll be outside." Mikey said closing the door behind him.

Frank sat down on the hard plastic chair. His eyes were stuck on the ground. "Frank?" I whispered. I know I don't talk but Frank is hurt about something and I want to help.

"Frank?" I said a little louder. He still didn't talk or even look up. I felt a pinch of hurt in my heart but I can't give up on him.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He is scaring me. Is this how everyone feels around me? STOP BEING SELFISH AND HELP FRANK!!

"Aren't I supposed to ask you that. You're the broken one." Frank said looking at me with red puffy eyes. Was he crying?

"Don't worry about me. What's wrong?" I said.

Frank gave me a look but he still answered me. "I almost lost you, Gerard! How do you think I feel!" He yelled.

I shut me eyes feeling the tears build up inside. "I'm sorry." I whisper. Why do you have to ruin everything. You made Frank cry for God's sake. You're evil.

"I thought you didn't care about me. I'm stupid for thinking that." I said feeling a tear roll down my cheek. Shut your fucking mouth then.

"You are right. Your so stupid I can't believe you would think that of me! I'm a bigger idiot for trying to help you." Frank said standing up giving the plastic chair back.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I let out a sob but it as a mixture of sadness and pain. The two things I feel all the time.

I heard the door slam shut and the faint chats with Mikey and Frank. I saw the short shadow of Frank walking to the elevators.

Ha! Look at him, Gerard. You even managed to make Frank broken. You should of listened to me and kept you mouth shut. The world will be better without your ugly voice. I nodded.

I'm not gonna fight with my head anymore. I'll listen to my head from now on.

"Where did Frank go?" I jumped up in fear. How did she get in here without me noticing?

I shrugged and got up. The I.V was still in me until the nurse came and took it out.

"Ready to go home?" I nodded and let my mom lead the way to the car.

I'm an idiot.


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