This is the End of My Story

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( trigger warning suicide)
Frank P.O.V

It's funny when you look back and see how far you came. The beginning of this year I never would have thought I would grow feelings for a face of skeleton with the most beautiful hazel eyes. That's the thing about friends. What once was some sick plan to mess up a certain emo turned into a tragic accident. Which brings us to present situation.

I fell in love with Gerard Way. The outcast of the school. The emo with a face of make up. The walking dead that almost never talked. Despite all those names and labels I fell in love with his sweet words. The hazel bliss that swirled in his eyes when he looked at me. His chubby cheeks and pale pink lips that lingered in my head but he's gone.

The sparkle in his eyes changed into a burning fire deep inside. What was sweet vocabulary was now spiteful words with no mercy. I couldn't do anything to change it back. I had hurt him deeply and nothing I can do to help. I had used him, caused more pain the pleasure. All because my dumb actions to listen to my group of friends. I successfully completed the plan but it didn't make me happy.

I can't say I didn't mean to hurt him because that was the point but I wish I denied the plan. In another part of my brain I don't regret the plan because that's when I grew feelings for Gerard.

"GET OUT!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!!" Gerard screamed at me.

I tried to hug him  but Gerard got up and punch me. I fell back with tears in my eyes. "Gerard plea-" I begged. I just want to make this right and be able to call him mine.

"NO! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME! GET OUT MY HOUSE!" Gerard yelled clenching his  fist.

I got up and hung my head down so Gerard can't see me cry. I walked to the front door and looked at him straight in the eye. "I truly love you Gerard." I  said before I  closed the door.

I walked to my house shamed and heartbroken. There is nothing I can do. He won't ever forgive me. I mean why would he. I brought the most pain to a person that didn't deserve it. There's no escaping what I have done.

I walked up to the the front door and endured the quiet of my house. My parents aren't home so it's perfect just to cry. I walked up to my room and started to blast music. Music that Gerard listened to. I can hear his soothing voice when the song continued.

I can't do this anymore.

I cried as I fell to my knees. What have I done. I pulled at my hair wanting the voices to go away. I was wanting everything to go away. I should of known people never stay but it was because of me. I  messed up. It's my fault.

I scratched at my face not wanting to be in my own skin. How can I be so stupid?! I opened my eyes to see tears blurring my vision. That's when I felt the ache. The hurtful ache in my wrist just wanting to see the blood drip down from the open wounds.

"It hurts." I mumbled to myself. I slowly started to scratch at my arm. The ache started to fade. It was only a little bit but it felt good. The best pleasure to a person like me. I scratch harder and harder. I cried as the pleasure of hurtful wounds start to appear but it wasn't enough. I need to die. I need to die is a slow torturing way.

I stopped my moments and looked around. Lead Me Out Of The Dark by Crown The Empire was blasting. I looked at my bed. It wasn't made perfect but it looked decent. I looked around my room taking in the sight. I stood up and turned off the music.

I'm going to die today. I walked around my house feeling at peace. This was where I grew up and it's where I'm going to die. I walked to the bathroom and looked through the drawers until I found the razors. I took one out of the emergency kit and put everything away. I started the water to fill the tub with lukewarm water.

I didn't bother taking off my clothes I just out in and layer down. The water fell on my socks and slowly filled the tub. This is what is suppose to happen. I thought as I spun the razor on my finger making a dent in my finger.

When the water reached my neck I turned off the water and rested my left arm on the ledge. I slowly brought the blade to my arm slowing my breathing. Stay calm. I closed my eyes for a second. They don't get a note. I opened my eyes and looked down. I pressed hard on the my wrist. I dragged the blade up until it hit my crease of my elbow. The pain stung so bad. I let out a sob as I got used to the pain. My heart was racing and my breathing quickened. The agony stayed as I switched the blade to the other hand. I dragged the blade again up the other arm and waited for death. I cried at the pain.

As I cried I couldn't hold myself up anymore. I slipped under the water and closed my eyes.

Good bye Gerard.

Gerard P.O.V

(Later that day)

I sat down in the living room with a cup of black coffee watching the news. I didn't really care about news but I was too mad to change the channel.

"Earlier today a young 17 teenager committed suicide. There was no note-" I looked up at the screen seeing Franks house. His laments were talking but I didn't hear. I ran to grab my shoes and ran out the door.

This can't be real. I ran down the driveway pushing Mikey to the ground when he got out of his car. He yelled but didn't follow. I ran to Franks house. I saw the the cops and the ambulance rushing around. The ambulance van rushed to try to save Frank. I looked at him and guilt looked down on me. He had deep cuts on his wrist and he was drenched in water. I ran to get into the van with him but the cop stopped me.

"Kid, go home. He's dead there's no point. " the cop said. He let go of me as the paramedics closed the ambulance doors. They drove away. The sirens disturbing the peace. Letting everyone know something bad happened.

Franks parents went with the paramedics leaving the house alone. The door was wide open from people rushing in and out. The sirens in the distance as I walked into the house.

I looked around everything cleaned and organized. I walked to Franks room seeing his messy bed with his phone . There wasn't anything misplaced or a note anywhere. I walked out and closed the door. I walked and looked at the floor the closer I got to the bathroom I felt uneasy.

The bathroom door was opened with blood soaking in on the bottom of the door. I looked. The floor was covered in water that was tinted red. The tub had blood everywhere with the water looking like kool-aid. The dark pigment red stained the inside of the white tub. I saw the blade and walked in. The blade had dried blood which was surprising since everything was soaked. I picked it up and put it in my pocket.

I walked out of the house closing the door and walked to the park. I sat on the swing. I wanted to feel something so bad but I couldn't. I didn't feel sad or angry. I felt numb. I felt my heart break from the inside not allowing feeling to function right.

He's dead. He's actually gone. I thought.  It didn't feel real but nothing felt real anymore. Not even me. I killed Frank. I tore him apart and now he's gone . I can't feel anything but I want to cry . Nothing came out though.  I couldn't change my expression and I couldn't change what I did but Frankie I love you.

I felt warmth wrap around me. Frankie? Frankie can you hold me?

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