The Sex Video

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Frank P.O.V

          I officially fucked up. I hope Gerard doesn't hate me because I'm in love with him. I know crazy but the first glance at him and I knew I loved him. I hated what the guys did to him but no one can know that , not even Gerard himself. I have hidden it for a long time but I think I just might have to say it to protect him. What if it's too late?

Gerard P.O.V

After that night at my house Frank left with a smirk on his face. Honestly I kind of felt used in a way. He didn't even say bye to me. I had this feeling that he was up to something but I'm to tired to think anything  about it now. So I cuddled with my pillow and fell asleep.

Then next morning o woke up to my alarm but this time I felt calm. It was weird I woke up on time and I didn't even have a night terror . So like every morning I got dress bit today I wanted to do something different with my make up.

So I hurried to get dressed and tried to think of what  to do with my make up. I got my white concealer and foundation but instead of just black I got the midnight blood red face paint and my jet black face paint.

I did my regular face but I got the midnight blood red and added it around my eyes and made it blend. I also did that to my mouth except it's around my printed teeth. For my cheeks I just put midnight blood red paint and faded it.  I looked in the mirror and I'm shocked at the outcome.

I look amazing!!!!

With the 10 minutes leered before I had to leave I decided to make coffee. So I got the coffee filter and the coffee grounds and put them in the coffee machine and pressed ON.

As I was waiting I checked my phone. I got tagged on instagram. I unlock my phone and got on instagram. At first I thought I was just seeing this but Bob tagged me in what looked liked a video. I started to shake as I pressed on the video.

It was my room and me and Frank. Oh god please don't be what I think it is. I watched in terror at the video. He did that only to get the video. I threw my phone on the couch and grabbed the pot of steaming hot coffee and run outside. I ran to the abandoned park that I always to go. I stopped running and walked through the park and walked up to the play ground. I hid in this green tunnel with three holes on both sides.

I started to cry .What just happened? I lost my first kiss and my virginity to him. What was I thinking to trust him? I shouldn't ever even taken off my make up for him. He just did all of that to get pictures. Even worse a video. It's all over instagram because Bob. I hope Frank got what he wanted but I sure as hell going to kill him

I cried and cried, forgetting about school and my mom and everyone; except Frank. Frank fucking Iero. I thought he actually liked me back but don't we all think that. I cried as I drank my black coffee from the pot.

I need alcohol. Yeah strong ass alcohol. I crawl out of my green tunnel and walked to the gas station that sells alcohol. I walked in the doors and walked to the cashier.

She looked freaked out when I approached her. I mean I would be too. I tall guy with messed up skeleton make up holding a coffee pot with coffee just walking in.

"I need the strongest alcohol you have please.?" I asked. She quickly grabbed a couple of bottles of whiskey and vodka and fire ball. I threw thirty-five dollars at her and grabbed the alcohol.

She so stupid she didn't even check for an ID. I walked back to the park and set my coffee pot on a picnic table and opened the bottles and dumped them all in the coffee pot.

I mixed it in with a stick and took an huge drink. Holy fuck that's so disgusting . I wanted to spit it out but then I remembered why I'm doing this and I swallowed it.

I chugged the whole coffee pot that was at least ten cups of shit and I feel great. I got up and walked back home but I stumble and fell a couple of times before I made it home. I opened the door and my mother got in my way.

I fell and hit my head which made me dizzy. " Gerard are you okay?!" My mom fell to her knees and picked up my head.

"Yehah moms ish ist fime" I slurred. She shook her head and picked me up.

"Weeeeeeeee" I squealed as I let my head drop. She set me on the couch before grabbing the house phone.

She called someone but I didn't see who. She talked for a bit before she said she had to go. She kissed my head and walked out the door.

"Imma gonna take a nappie" I said before I fell asleep on the couch.

Frank P.O.V

I walked to school feeling pretty good about myself . I was on my phone listening to music. I go through my gallery seek g the video I took of me and Gerard. God he's so perfect. I turned off my phone and went to meet up with Bob.

I see him walking towards me and he gave me a fist bump . Bob and I said we will show up to school thirty minutes before Mikey and Gerard come to school just to discuss what I got.

See at first I was just going to lie and say he didn't let me see him without make up but he took my phone and unlocked it and yes he did know my password because I know his.

"Oh Frankie this is more then enough to what we need. Holy fuck you actually did that.' He yelled jump around.

I was confused until I remembered I didn't exit out of the video. Fuck. I laughed and only nodded as I felt guilty and beyond sorry for Gerard. I didn't mean for this too happen!

"This is gold. I'm going to post this on instagram!"

"What? No don't do-"

"Too late." Bob handed me my phone and I got angry.

"You actually did the plan. And you got even better stuff. Damn Frankie. We have to tell the boys.

I officially fucked up. I hope Gerard doesn't hate me because I'm in love with him. I know crazy but the first glance at him and I knew I loved him. I hated what the guys did to him but no one can know that , not even Gerard himself. I have hidden it for a long time but I think I just might have to say it to protect him. What if it's too late?

"Yeah for sure." I said in an emotionless voice.

The bell rung for students to head to class but my phone rang.

*buzz* Gerard's Mother *buzz*

I answered the phone.


"Hey Frank I know this is late notice but can you come and check on Gerard. I know your friends with him and I need to get to work so if you can that would mean a lot." Donna says.

"Yeah. I'll be there in five minutes." J said before I hung up.

I walked to Gerard's house feeling worried. Why isn't he at school? What happened? What if he saw the video? I started to jog and when I reach the door I knock and wait.

After a minute I decided just to go in. I saw Gerard passed out on the couch and then I smelled the alcohol. I looked around but didn't find any bottles just a coffee pot on the counter.

What have you done Gerard?


Some princes don't become kings
-Fall Out Boy

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