Let's Start New

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Gerard P.O.V

It would be an understatement if I said i was shocked. I didn't know what to do or what to say. When Frank walked away I was left breathless and I just stood there. Like what if your bully that you fell madly in love just said they wanted to date you? I'm pretty sure anyone in this situation wouldn't know what to do.

I stood at my locker until I heard the bell ring for first period. Great. Now I have to deal with my thoughts even more. I mean, usually I would day dream about me and Frank being together, going on cute dates, but now I have to think about if I should actually trust Frank enough to date.

Wait what about Bert? I mean we didn't actually say we were dating but does he think we're dating? I hope not. I wouldn't want to have go up to him and say, "Hey, Bert, I think we should break up because it turns out that Frank does like me. So I have no use for you anymore." That would be terrible.

Even if me and Bert aren't dating, who would I choose? Bert is super sweet to me and Frank isn't the kindest when he is with his friends. What if they are just using you? How did that thought get there. I mean I know my self esteem isn't the greatest but still.

I mean the thought isn't dumb but it just came out of no where. Come to think of it that idea does make sense. What if they just want to get revenge on me or something. I'm not even hot. I'm just an emo depressed freak who wears skeleton face make up. I can't swim, I can't dance, and I don't know karate. I'm basically useless. So maybe they are just using me but how do I know if I don't give them a chance? It wouldn't hurt, would it?

Before I could think if I should try to date Frank I heard the late bell ring. Shit. I shut my locker and and to first period. I guess we could start new. Now Frank just needs to prove to me if I'm wasting my time.

~~~~~~~~~First Period ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I don't have Frank until second period so I have plenty of time to think about the big decision I have to face. Technically he didn't ask me out but still I'm pretty sure he is going to through. I want to say yes but what about Bert. He has been nothing but nice, I mean Frank is nice but Bert isn't my bully so there is a major difference there.

"Gerard, can I ask why you aren't paying attention to my lesson or should I just send you to the principle?" Mr. Ross says.

I walked up to him and whispered, "You know me to well to ask what I'm doing. I'll pat attention but next time you ask a stupid question like that I'm going to walk through that door and to the principle office and say what an idiot you are," I said.

I walked back to my sit and stare at him. His facial expression showed that he was shocked. I have never talked to one of my teachers in two years. I talk to Ms. Robbie but that's been less now that Frank and his friends had been beating me up less. I miss talking to her, it's been while. Now that I think about it I haven't talked to her in a while. Today I'll stop by her office.

Mr. Ross snapped out of being half shocked and half confused. He continued his lesson on Girolamo Cardano. I don't really know what he is talking about but then again I don't really care. I'm only pretending to pay attention so I don't get in trouble.

After a long 30 minutes the bell rang and I hurried to pack up. While I was zipping up my backpack I saw a shadow of someone standing in front of me. I looked up and saw Mr. Ross. "Gerard is there anything that I should know about on why you weren't paying attention in class? I mean usually you are focused but today you seemed distracted."

"I'm sorry, sir, I really am. It's nothing just some teenage drama," I shrugged.

"Who's the girl?" Mr. Ross asked. I don't know if I should correct him or not but if he is homophobic I don't want him to hate just because I'm not the straightest person.

"Actually it's a boy," I said standing up bringing my backpack up with me. I put it over my shoulder while my head hung low. I'm scared of his reaction but that went away when he said, "Oh, My apologies. Who is the lucky guy?"

"You might know him, his name is Frank, Frank Iero," I said.

"I'm pretty sure every teacher knows him but Gerard, why him? You can do better." He said patting my back.

I don't know why this creep me out but it did. "I-I have to go," I said before running out of the room. I didn't stop running until I made it to my second period class. I shoved the door open right as the late bell rang.

"Well it's nice you to join us, Gerard. Go and take your sit." Mrs. Urie said.

I looked around and the only seats available is by Frank and someone I don't know. I walked to the seat next to someone I don't know. I put my backpack on the back of my seat and looked at Frank. He looked mad, no he looked angry. Frank look straight into my eyes and mouthed, "You're gonna get it."

Great. Before I could change my seat Mrs. Urie began with the lesson. Now I just have to sit here and worry about what Frank was talking about you're gonna get it.

~~~~~~~~~Lunch time~~~~~~ {sorry I don't know what to write.}

I walk to my locker very slowly. I'm scared and I;m afraid that Frank is still angry about me not sitting by him. I don't know why he would get so mad, like we aren't even dating. Not yet anyway.

I turned the corner and saw people at my locker. One of them is Bert. I can't tell what's happening but I know it's not good. As I get closer to the scene I could hear arguing. I see that Bert and Frank are really closer to each other. Then I hear something I didn't want to hear come out of Bert's mouth.

"Well Gerard pathetic. I felt bad for him and I needed the company. Frank I could ask the same thing, Why do you like Gerard. Wait that's easy you don't." Bert yelled.

Everyone in the hall stopped their conversation and stared at me. Bert looked around trying to see what everyone is looking at and when we met eyes I saw he facial features turn soft. He walked up to me and was about to say something but I cut him off.

"Bert, I don't love you, Liked I loved yesterday," After I said that I punched him square in the face. Everyone gasp in shocked. Bert fell back and onto the floor. I looked at Frank and saw him with a big smile on his face. I walked up to him and kissed him.

I wanted the kiss to get stronger but then I realized we were still in the hallway. I pulled back and said, "Can we just start new?"


Hey! My sister got a new computer and now I could write my stories. I know I can write on my phone but I'm better and faster at typing on a computer. So maybe I'll start writing more, but other than that comment how I did. I know you people won't but still. -XoTegs

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