Chapter 3 - The Baker Street Team

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Lestrade looked at me, confused. "Okay what just happened?"

I turned to Bates. "You were talking to him in such a way as to make him think you believed he was the one to do it. He barely got a chance to defend himself. I know you don't mean it, but that's the way it sounded. The media is already taking Matthew's side and he probably knew they would. He's guarded."

"So how'd you get him to talk? Asking him about his favorite class?"

"I put him at ease and gave him a chance. I asked him simple questions to establish a baseline for honesty. He's telling the truth."

John nodded. "You asked him to say it backwards to make sure."

I nodded. "A liar can't repeat it backwards exactly because there is no actual memory of the action and they wouldn't rehearse it backwards. He also kept looking away."

"Yeah, so he should be lying." Bates replied.

I shook my head. "Looking away is the brain's physical sign of recalling a memory. A liar will look you straight in the face because people assume not making eye contact is a sign of lying and because he usually has a lie prepared. He wants to watch you too, make sure you believe him. He nodded while he spoke, signaling he had confidence in what he said. He corrected himself to be more exact. He's telling the truth. Plus, he looked horrified at the sight of the victims. That's not the look of a murderer."

I looked up at Sherlock. His expression was blank but at least he wasn't looking at me like I was stupid. I nodded to myself, satisfied. I turned to Lestrade. "Can I see Matthew now?" He led the way and I turned to Sherlock as we walked. "How did I do?"

"Well enough, I suppose."

I looked at John and he nodded to say that was a compliment. Lestrade handed me Matthew's files and the pictures of the victims again. Donovan went in to explain that I was coming in to talk to them. Matthew glared at her a bit but then sighed and turned away. I didn't know if this kid was the murderer for sure, there could have been someone else. I didn't want to jump to conclusions. But this one looked like he'd be a little difficult. Pausing with my hand on the doorknob, I looked at Lestrade and Sherlock. "One of you, do me a favor." They looked at me expectantly.

"I'm going to talk to him, the same as I did with Dante. When I show him the pictures, one of you come in and tell me that something's gone wrong with a victim. Tell me what you see on his face after."

Sherlock nodded and gestured for me to go ahead. I stepped into the room and Matthew's glare returned. I dropped the files. His lawyer looked at me questioningly. "No, I'm not a cop but I'm working with the police."

"I've seen you." The lawyer said. I nodded.

"I might have been on the news. I live downstairs from Sherlock Holmes."


I looked at Matthew. "How are you doing?" He shrugged. "I'm gonna ask you some really simple questions. Okay?" He shrugged again. I sighed. "Is your name Matthew Wright?"


"Are you seventeen years old?"


"Is it winter outside?"


I nodded and pretended to write something. "Good. How do you like your school? On a scale of one to ten, ten being you would live there if you could."


I nodded. "Do you have a favorite course?"

He looked away. "No."

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