Chapter 22 - Safe

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I rushed through security, flashing my badge until I got to the morgue. Sherlock was there for some reason. Molly was sitting beside her desk, dried tears staining her cheeks. I went in quietly, watching them in silence. Sherlock was standing over her, one hand on her shoulder and the other cupping her cheek.

"Jordan will be here soon, no doubt. And we can't have you panicking while you tell her what's happened. We'll never get anything done. Alright? Take a breath; it was only a fake bomb."

I chuckled and he spun around. Smiling, I walked to the desk. "Only a fake bomb. Because that's perfectly normal." I looked at him curiously. It wasn't like him to be comforting anyone, much less Molly. She seemed to be thinking the same thing as she looked between us. "I have to talk to Molly, would you leave us?"

He raised a brow. "So eager to be rid of me?"

"I can't think with you around."

"Interesting, I'm the exact opposite."

I smiled and shoved him lightly. "Go on." He huffed and left. Molly stood quickly. 

"I promise I'm not trying to steal him away or anything. He just... I don't know what that was. I'm sorry."

I held a hand up. "First, neither do I. And second, I would never think that of you. Besides, we're not dating anymore. If he wanted to be with you, that's his business and yours. It's fine." I didn't think that's what that was if he was taking an interest in Molly then I hoped it worked out for them. I'd get over my jealously eventually, it wasn't worth losing a friend. She relaxed and sat back down. I put a hand on her shoulder. "First things first, tell me what happened."

"The cadaver came in just this morning. Middle aged man, found a few streets over. A John Doe. At first there was nothing out of the ordinary except for a recent surgery scar. I'll um... Skip the details. But anyway, I found the bomb where his stomach should have been. It had about two minutes on the clock and I called for help. But I knew no one would get there in time so I just huddled over here and then nothing happened. When I went to look at it, it said 'stay out of this.' Is it... I-Is Sherlock working on a new case?"

I shook my head. "I am. It's a message most likely for my team and mostly for me. So that confirms it. Nevermore is involved." I sent a quick confirmation text to everyone in the team, telling them Nevermore was definitely involved and we should all be extra careful from here on out. 

"Now what?"

I looked back at Molly. "They're not after you, I don't think. I'm sorry they used you to make an example of though." I paused as Jules sent me a text.

'Prime Minister is calling a press conference in less than an hour. Mycroft wants you there, you'll be recognized.'

I rolled my eyes. "I have to go. Are you going to be okay?"

Molly nodded shakily. "I-I think so."

I gave her a sympathetic smile and rushed out. Lord, I'd just handled two bombs and now I was going to meet the Prime Minister. I never thought working for Mycroft would get me here. 


"Rest assured, these attacks will not go unanswered! We will not allow this hatred to endanger our families, our homes, our very lives!"

I scanned the crowd of cameras and reporters. William Strauss, Prime Minister, had them at rapt attention. He was a tall man with dirty blond hair and wise grey eyes. He was almost sixty but age had been kind to him. He looked to be in his forties. Anyone who didn't know him well would think he was a nervous and slow man. He thought long and hard about things and almost always twisted his wedding ring around his finger when he listened. He wore it on his right hand now; his wife had died of leukemia four years ago. The sadness in his eyes and the questioning tilt he often held his head at made him appear unimpressive. Few people saw what a great speaker and leader he was until he stood up and spoke. 

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