Chapter 8 - Family

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I pulled my phone out and sighed as I saw the caller ID. Well, looks like the time had finally come... Standing, I went down to my flat and answered.

"Hey, Mom."

"Hey, Mom? That's it?! You've been gone three years, Jo, and we've heard nothing from you!"

"I've texted Abbey a few times."

"That's not enough! We get an email saying you've got a place to stay and a job, contact info and then zip. One call and email every six months. Is that it? Honey, when you used to say you were going to leave and we wouldn't hear from you often, I didn't know you were serious!"

I rolled my eyes and sat down. "Because I hated to cause drama so I played along and treated it as a joke. I'm safe, more or less. I'm happy. How's life back there?"

"Back there?! This is your home, Jordan!"

"Never really felt like it."


"Mom." She didn't say anything for a long time. I could imagine the shock and hurt on her face. She sounded like she had me on speaker. No doubt my whole family was hearing this. I sighed and sat back. It was time I came out with it.

"Jordan..." Yep, my whole family. That was my dad.

"Let me speak." I said. They waited. "You want me in America not just because you want me close, but because you wanted me to take care of you. I took care of the house; I took care of granny from the moment I was old enough to use the stove. I did so much to live up to expectations because I was so depended on. I didn't get a break. I was so busy being perfect and everything you wanted, I lost track of who I was.

"I finally came out and told you that I was hurt and unhappy and you blew up about it! You called me ungrateful. So I shut myself away. I pretended to be perfect and happy and I did it for so long, I convinced myself of the lies I told. I hid my hurt and resentment away and I'm tired of that. Granny's gone. Abbey has money enough to take care of you. She's the older one! Plus, I'm apparently ungrateful. What reason do I have to stay in the country?"

"Your family!"

"The family that has no idea who I am! You don't even know the tiniest things about me, let alone my actual personality. I love you, I do. And you know how hard it's always been for me to say that. But I do. Still, I need my life. I need my space and my choices. I'll call more, I'll send pictures, I'll visit. But leave me alone for a while."

"It's been three years! You're all alone there!"

"I have two new friends, both of which can protect and take care of me. My landlady has become like a grandma to me. I'm fine."

"If something happens..."

"One has connections with the police and the government. The other is a doctor. I think I'll be taken care of and one of them already knows every little thing about me. He'll contact you if I can't. Probably."

They were silent for a long time before the phone moved. I listened as someone murmured something and then Abbey came on, off speaker.

"You okay?"

I wiped the few tears that had fallen and sighed. "Fine."

"Okay. Call whenever."


"Bye." She hung up. That was it. We never did talk much, even though we got along so well. I threw my phone to the side and buried my face in a pillow. The door opened and I felt a gentle hand on my back. John.

"You shouldn't treat your family like that."

"I can't bring myself to care right now. I know that was wrong but..."

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