Chapter 16 - Trouble in Paradise

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John came downstairs to figure out what was going on in my flat. I had taken down the few pictures I had and was putting up a giant whiteboard. It was pretty close to classroom size.

"Why?" He gestured towards it as I paused in drilling.

"I've always wanted to be able to write on my walls. My room back home is covered in post-it notes. Ideas, reminders, questions. Now that I can afford this I can go back to writing on the walls."

I went back to drilling. When I was finished, I grabbed a marker and wrote the first thing that was on my mind.


Nodding in satisfaction, I went to get dinner ready. When I brought it upstairs, Sherlock was in the kitchen. I smiled a hello and watched as he got up and left the room. My smile turned into a frown as I set the plates down. I went back downstairs and knocked on Mrs. Hudson's door.

"Hey, Mrs. H. I made you dinner. How's your hip?"

She smiled and took the plate. "Oh it's doing alright. Thank you dear, it's so sweet of you."

I ate alone that night, catching up on my shows. The next morning, John came back downstairs.

"He's not talking. You know what's up?" I shook my head, spooning another mouthful of cereal into my mouth. "Well, see if you can get through to him, please. He hasn't spoken since Irene left."

I nodded and he left for work. When I finished eating, I went upstairs to check on Sherlock. He was sitting in his chair, eyes closed and brows furrowed. I didn't want to bother him too much. "You okay?" He didn't reply. "Sherlock?" He opened his eyes slowly and I caught the quiet, relaxed sigh. His pupils were dilated as he focused on me. I shoved his sleeve up, praying it was nicotine and not something else. Sighing in relief, I slumped back into my chair. It was just the patches.

He watched me in silence. Finally, figuring he wasn't going to talk to me, I left. When I went back up in the evening, he was laying on the couch. I grabbed what I needed from the cabinet and turned, startled to find him glaring at me.

"What?" He only turned over. I sighed and went back downstairs. For two weeks this continued. I'd go up or bump into him coming and going but he wouldn't say a word. Finally, I had had enough. I went upstairs, telling myself to keep calm and just be rational about this. I opened the door and found Sherlock standing in front of the window, thinking.

"Did you get milk?"

"It's Jordan." He turned around, snapping from his thoughts. I waited but he didn't say anything so I went ahead. "Why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm talking to you right now."

"You know what I mean. You haven't said a word to me in two weeks. But it's not like you're preoccupied. You're avoiding me. And then you glare at me a lot lately." I shook my head. "What did I do?"

He sighed and turned back around. "Nothing."

I stepped forward to take his hand but he pulled it away. I expected as much. "Look if you don't want to be in a relationship anymore then just say so."

He looked at me for a long moment and then nodded. "I don't want to be in a relationship." I had expected him to say it but that didn't stop my stomach from dropping. I still felt tears well and my lip quiver. He gave me a pitying look. "You honestly thought it would last, didn't you?" He sighed. "I couldn't love you, Jordan. I thought you'd be smarter than that."

I stared at the ground, feeling those words crush me. He was right. I should have been smarter than that. This was Sherlock Holmes. He hated the thought of love, how could I ever think I could change that? Taking a deep breath, I nodded and turned to leave. I stopped short, seeing John standing in the doorway. He looked at me sadly and I pushed past him.

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