Chapter 14 - Women

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I looked up from my ice cream and found Sherlock staring at me. "What?"

"Hm?" He snapped from his thoughts. "Oh, nothing. Thinking. Sorry, bad time."

I shook my head. "It's cool." I threw my cup in the trash and stood. "Ready?"

He nodded and we left the ice cream shop. He'd finished a case that morning and had decided he should take me out again. It was our fifth date, since Sherlock claimed the night he got shot didn't count.

We walked back home in comfortable silence. I unlocked my door and turned to him. "I'm heading to bed early, so goodnight."

He was still lost in his thoughts. Coming back to reality, he looked at me intently. "We've been on five dates."


He stepped forward, causing me to lean against the wall. "And it's been going well..."


He looked down for a moment, thinking before he leaned forwards and pressed his lips to mine. I just barely managed to get my brain working enough to kiss him back. He pulled away and stepped back. "So is it safe to say that I'm allowed to do that now?"

I smiled, still in shock. "Yeah."

He smirked. "Goodnight, then." I watched him go up to his flat and then forced myself to go inside. I laughed at my reaction and shook my head. Sherlock Holmes just kissed me. It was... Well, what I expected it to be. He was inexperienced and a little awkward but it had been sweet nonetheless.

I wasn't sure what to do with myself so I texted my sister.

Sherlock kissed me.

About time! How was it?

Sweet. Short. Obviously his first. He's really cute when he's embarrassed.

Awww. Now breathe. I know you're ready to jump up and down.

I laughed. Maybe a little.

I'm out with the girls but I'll call you tomorrow and you're gonna tell me everything.

Mmkay, bye.

I plugged my phone in to charge and went to bed, still smiling slightly.


John walked in and glared at us for a moment. I looked up from my book and then down at Sherlock. He had his head in my lap, thinking with his hands over his lips as usual. He opened his eyes and peered at John questioningly. John threw a magazine down on the table.

"When were you going to tell me?"

"What?" We said at the same time. We looked down at the magazine. It was a picture of Sherlock and I having dinner. I read the headline.

Hat Detective in Love?

I picked it up and flipped to the article. It had another picture of us at dinner, with me laughing and Sherlock smirking at me. There was one of us at the park. He usually took me there to teach me how to read people. The last picture was of him handing me his coat.

"Wow, they're really good at finding the times when you're being affectionate."

"I believe this is yours." He held up ten pounds. I grinned and took it.

"What's that?" John demanded.

"We were betting on how long it would take you to figure out something was up." I pocketed the money and smiled at him.

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