Hurdles of a forbidden relationship

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The lovers are happy but the true obstacle lies just in front of them, yet to be noticed when the clouds of joy cleared up. "I'm your girlfriend, I'm staying at your house and at the same time, I'm your student while you're a professor." Fine said, finally gasping the situation. Gale grinned at her, his head still in the clouds. "I like that. You're my girlfriend and I'm your boyfriend. I really like that." He said. "Can't you please get out of that zone already? Gale, really can't be together." She said, worried that they will be found out. Gale took a deep breath, "We love each other and there's nothing wrong in that." He said while putting on his neck tie. Fine wrapped her arms around his waist. "But what if they find about us? What about your mother? What about the University?" She said, her embrace growing tighter. She is scared of the danger that lies in front of them posed by pursuing their relationship. Gale cupped her face with his hands. "You're thinking too much about it. Together right?" He said. Fine held onto his hands. "C-Can we keep our relationship a secret until I graduate? Until I get recommended to a medical school for a scholarship?" She asked despondently. Gale kissed her hands, "Of course. Why do you seem so dispirited. Of course we'll hide it for now although I really want to tell the whole world about us. I know you're a scholarship student so don't worry about it. Trust me." He said. She looked up to him and gazed at his eyes. She smiled. "Thank you." She said. "Why are you so bewitching?" Gale uttered then he lifted her up and deeply kissed her. Their passionate warmth spread throughout their body as they convey their feelings to each other without wielding words.

Days have passed and they thought hiding their relationship would be easy. Sally who was a self-proclaimed curious person was the first hurdle. The lady seemed to have noticed the change between the two. She meets up with Fine after a class usual. For Sally, going to cafés and shopping malls after teaching a class is a must for friends, but for Fine, it was to avoid suspicions between her and Gale. "Where do you stay? It has been almost a month since we've been friends but I still don't know where you are staying." Sally asked as she sipped on a cup of coffee. "I have a house near the center." She said then Sally's eyes brightened up. "Really? At that place? Your family must be really rich." She said. Fine laughed at her and shook her head. "On the other side." She said which made Sally pause for a minute. "That place? Isn't that like a 'depressed area'? It's the home of the criminals, right?" Sally asked cautiously. "How did you know that? Have you been to the place?" Fine asked then Sally shook her head. "Just a hear-say I guess. It's false though. The place is great, has a warm community. Not because it's not as developed as the rest of the city makes it the cradle of criminals as what a lot of people believes in. Maybe there were relatives or even some of the residents there were convicted of a crime but that does not mean that the skyscrapers don't." Fine said. Sally sighed, "But still, aren't you scared?" Sally asked then Fine shook her head and looked at her in the eyes. "No. There are scarier things in life." She said. Sally nodded, she felt like Fine has gone through an ordeal but looking at her eyes, she does not want to ask her about it yet.

Sally taps her fingers on the table and looks at Fine sideways. It was a sign Fine got familiar well. "What is it?" Fine asked, sighing. "Do you like Gale?" She asked then Fine laughed. "Why?" She said. "It's just that when I first came here, you look like you were running away from him. And then just these past few days, I see you smiling and dazing off a lot. There's a different air that comes from you two when you're together." She said. "What are you teaching your students? Seems to me that you have more time watching me than teaching." Fine said, avoiding the subject. Sally laughed, "I observe everyone in the school. I've got some juicy stories actually." She said. "Oh I have no interest in those." She said. She thought that she finally got out of the cage when Sally was busy looking somewhere behind her. She turned to Fine, "You know what? I've heard, Tina who just started teaching lately was Gale's colleague. It is also rumoured that she's his girlfriend." Sally whispered which made Fine choke on her drink. "Oh really?" Fine reacted then Sally put on her pity face. "Don't worry Fine. According to my radar, they are not. I saw her approach him earlier but it seemed to me that it's only Tina who has feelings for him." She said then Fine nodded, smiling to herself at Sally's daily quest. "So, do you like him? I can see it in your eyes girl." Sally said, convinced by her hunch. Fine nodded and smiled at her. "I do. I do but I'm a student and he's a professor so there's no way-." "Nonsense. I knew a lot with that kind of relationship. I don't see anything wrong about that actually. You can't dictate your heart who to love. And you know what?" Sally signed her to get closer to her. "You want me to help you? I have helped a lot with the same case as yours. The success so far is a hundred per cent." She whispered and then winked at Fine. Fine crouched to her belly, trying to contain her laugh. "No it's ok. He might've a girlfriend already." She said. Sally pouted and then looked through Fine's back. "Oh they're here, they're here." She said.

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