Vacation II

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Fine and Adam were left speechless after opening the door of their suite. "I'm really sorry about this Fine." Adam said and then covered his face with his hand. Fine shook her head and chuckled. "Mom's really something huh." She said, looking at the King size bed. Adam looked at her and smiled. "You're still calling her mom." He uttered then Fine looked at him. "She wants me to and I got used to it since we were little." She said and then walked ahead and jumped at the bed. "We can't do anything about this. The bed's big and we used to sleep on the same bed before. Must be not a problem." Fine said then Adam jumped at the bed and lie next to her. "You really are cruel. I'll ask for a mattress." He said.

Fine lie still and gazed at the ceiling and the yellow lights. "You were the cruel one." Fine uttered and then Adam turned his head towards the girl he harbours feelings for. "I guess, I am." He uttered, looking back at the chance he took for granted. "You knew I had feelings for you but you ignored them." Fine said, still gazing at yellow-tinted ceiling. "I did." He said, staring at her with his tears already welling up in his eyes. "You weren't there when I needed you. You only listened when I cry but you did not care." She said. Adam's tears finally fell while staring at the woman beside him, taking his time to talk. "I cared but I didn't know what to do." He said. "Right, you didn't that's why you wanted nothing to do with it." She said which left Adam speechless, guilty of what she said. "I'm sorry." He uttered then Fine turned to him and saw his tears. Adam quickly turned away from her, now staring at the ceiling.

"However, when I met Gale it felt a little different. I came to distinguish what I felt for you and for him. They were different." She said and saw more tears falling from his eyes. "I love you Adam and I will always continue to love you but what I feel for Gale is different. It felt complete, like we exist as one." She said. Adam wiped his tears and groaned. "This is so not cool. Crying of rejection. So uncool." He said. "It's alright to cry though. I could feel your genuine intentions." She said then Adam looked at her. "Why do you have to be this cool." He added then Fine only smiled at him. "But I'm still your best friend right?" He said like a child. Fine nodded. "Of course" "Then can I hug you? Like before?" He asked, wiping the snot off his nose. Fine chuckled and stretched out her arms. "Come here you snotty child." She said then Adam dove for a hug while Fine pats his back. "This is so like when we were kids. Running off to me all snotty and puffy eyes because of those bullies." She said. "And failing grades." Adam added then Fine nodded. "And after being subjected to disciplinary actions as well." She added. Both spent the rest of their time reminiscing their childhood until it was time for lunch.

Adam's mother and sister were already at the hotel restaurant when Fine and Adam arrived for lunch. Havi waved and smiled brightly at them as soon as they entered. "The view from the suite is so good right? You can see the sea." Havi said then Adam scoffed at her. "And the people at the beach could see right through the suite." He said. "Just close the curtain. It's not like you'll be having se-" "Mom!" Adam exclaimed. His mother glared at him. "It's not like you're doing that!" She said and rolled her eyes at her son. "I'd be really glad if you would but you're so stupid." She added then Adam sighed at her. "And you're my mother." He said while scanning through the menu. Mae was smiling at Fine who was covering her ears, telling her she is alright with it. Fine smiled at her and moved her hands from her ears, "They never changed." Fine uttered.

"Oh right Fine, let's spend the night at the spa ok? Don't worry it's my treat." Adam's mom said. "Sure, do we have plans after this? If we don't then I'd like to surf." She said. "Sure my dear. Relax and rejuvenate all you want." Havi said then she held Fine's hands. "I heard from Adam, about Christina." She said then Fine faintly smiled and nodded at her. "I will mom." She said then Havi smiled, "If only I could really be your mom." She said then she squinted her eyes at her son. "Still, always call me mom alright?" She said then Fine nodded, holding her laugh.

Even though the sun is still high, Fine went to the beach excitedly with Adam catching up on her. "But it's your first time surfing right?" He asked then Fine nodded. "That's why I'm excited." She said then Adam looked around. "But the sun's still high. You might get sunburned." He said. "Then what's the purpose of going to a beach resort?" She said. "We could hike a trail. I looked it up and there's mountain famous for hikers near here." He said then Fine thought about it. "But I'm not a hiker." She said. "Why not start to be one now?" Adam insisted then Fine laughed. "You don't need to come with me if you don't want to get tan you know." She said. Then Adam shook his head, "It's alright. I was just proposing something else so you'd have another choice." He said, denying the truth in Fine's words.

They went to the tent to rent a surf board but to their dismay, the sea is too calm. "You could do a standing paddle board or kayak, or if you really want to surf, then let's wait for the waves to get bigger, though the time's indefinite." The woman at the tent said. Fine looked at Adam, "Let's just hike then. There's more shade there." He said then Fine laughed at him. "Or we could try the other activities." She said. The woman at the tent found the two entertaining as she grins at their conversation. "There's only you and the sea out there. Even if you're not scared of what's underneath, it might still get romantic. If you know what I mean." The girl told Adam. Then Adam sighed and paid for a kayak. "I wish there would be but she's already taken." He said then the woman's eyes widened, sorry for the guy. "Is that so? I'm really-" "No it's alright." He uttered. "Then a man who also works at the rental went to get a kayak. "But I also want to try the standing paddle." Fine uttered while staring at the kayak. "Then we can try it after this. The day's long, we don't need to rush." Adam said then he headed to the kayak while Fine followed with a big smile on her face. "You know what? You should stay on being cool like that, not the little whiny boy." She teased.

The sun was already setting when the two finished the activities they enjoyed. "I'll bring my sister here next time. She does not like the sea. She's scared." She said then Adam looked at her in disbelief while he drags the paddle board to the tent. "Beth? Really? So she has something she's scared at huh." Adam said then Fine sighed. "Of course. No matter how strong she is, she's not perfect you know." Fine said. "Having imperfection is a human thing and that's what makes us perfect humans." Adam said then Fine stopped and stared at him. "Are you Adam? Please give me back my best friend. I don't know you." Fine said then they both laughed until they arrived at the tent. "The waves are too small, you didn't get to surf." The woman at the tent said, looking sorry. Fined shook her head and smiled at her. "It's alright. I could do that on other days. It was good that the sea was calm. We were able to kayak on the sea of corals. It was so beautiful." She said at the woman. "Good for you then. I'll look forward to seeing you again then. I hope you'd choose to stay at this resort again." She said then Fine nodded. "Well this resort's the most famous in the surf capital so yeah." Fine said.

"So what do we do next?" Fine asked Adam while going back to their suite. "Aren't you tired yet?" Adam asked. "Oh, alright. Let's just lay on our backs until dinner. I also like that." Fine said then she ran ahead, "I'll be first to use the bathroom!" She shouted then Adam started running to catch up but Fine still arrived first. He therefore must endure the cold while pitifully waiting for Fine to finish taking a shower. He endured almost an hour of waiting when Fine went out of the bathroom. He glared at her, "Sorry but I'm a woman so deal with it." She said then Adam headed to the bathroom. "What's with women really? Taking up so long just taking a bath. I don't understand." He said then he closed the bathroom while Fine laughs. As soon as he closes the door, Fine sat at the bed, dragging her right foot. She slipped at the bathroom and she was enduring it the whole time she was at the bathroom, managing the pain and conditioning her mentality. She thought if she would tell them, it would ruin the family's vacation which only happens when Adam's mother could afford to spare time for them which does not usually happen due to her work.

She could not properly use her right hand because of the pain. Even holding the spoon and bringing it to her mouth is painful enough but she must endure the excruciating pain until they get back to the city without them knowing. 

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