The Person

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I was waking down the street minding my own business. It was quiet and eerie. The silence was deadly and the sky was layered with thick fog. I was listening to my music it was the only noise in my ears on the street. I was listening to (insert favourite song here) and I was jamming like crazy. I was dancing so much that I didn't notice the person in front of me. They were dressed all in black. I accidentally knocked into it making them drop all their stuff.

"I'm so sorry!" I said

"Oh it's ok no problem" the person said.

She sounded like a female Geordie but I couldn't be to sure. The "she" stared at me for quite a while. "Her" deep blue eyes transfixed on my (insert eye colour here).

"Um I should go" I say awkwardly.

"Okay see you again!" "She" says.

I back away and made a run for it. I've seen that person around so many times. I just don't know why I keep seeing her. I made my way to the local coffee shop to keep my mind off things.

After a walk I then got to the coffee shop and ordered a latte and sat in the corner. I was halfway through college work when I heard a cough. I looked up and saw the person yet again staring at me.

"Is this seat taken?" The person asked.

"No please have a seat!" I said removing my bag from the seat.

"So your probably wondering who I am" they said.

I nodded.

The person signed and slide the hood of their head. It was a she! I knew it! She had sparkling blue eyes and long blonde hair. She looked like a ray of sunshine. I then recognised her from somewhere!

"Your Perrie Edwards?" I ask.

She nods. I place a hand over my mouth and just scream.

"I've been a fan for as long as you've been around!" I squeal.

She smiles. I keep fangirling but then she stops me.

"Your Y/N right?"

I nodded. How did she know? She has millions of fans she would never know about me!

"How do you know?" I ask.

"You might want to get another latte and sit completely still you might fall over when I tell you!" Perrie said.

This is my Christmas present to you guys! Here's my new book!! This is just a tester I'll upload the next bit once my leighade fanfic is over with! I hope your gonna like it! I've never done a celebrity and you story before so it might go a bit down hill! Just be prepared!

Stay awesome!
Phoebe ❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖

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