Group Chat #1

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Perrie added Jade, Leigh-Anne and Jesy

Perrie: Hey guys I need to tell you something

Leigh-Anne: Did you bump into your ex again?

Jesy: If he said something horrible I will kill him

Jade: Jessica Nelson violence is never the option!

Jesy: What about that time you threw paper in an interview

Jade: Stop being so smart!

Perrie: Guys you need to be serious !!

Jesy: Ok

Leigh-Anne: Ok

Jade: Ok

Perrie: So I met this person in the coffee shop in town!

Jade: Was it Jed? He's not answering my texts!

Perrie: No it was not Jed and I suspect he's busy!

Leigh-Anne: Did you finally meet Will Smith!

Perrie: That would be a dream!

Jesy: Was it he who should not be named?

Perrie: No Jesy. It was not Zayn Malik!

Jade: So who was it then?

Perrie: It was a girl

Jesy: Ooh

Perrie: I've been staking her on Instagram for a long time!

Jesy: Double Ooh!

Jade: What does she look like?

Perrie: Does that matter!

Jade: Give me her Instagram

Perrie: (Your Instagram or any other social media name)

Minutes later

Jade: She's hot!

Leigh-Anne: Lemme see


Leigh-Anne: Oh she hot!

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Leigh-Anne: Oh she hot!

Perrie: Anyway, I wanna ask her out but it will probably be really weird

Jade: How?

Perrie: Well one she's a mixer

Jesy: Oh Perrie that's bad

Perrie: ?

Jesy: You can't date a mixer

Perrie: 😪😪

Leigh-Anne: What's the other reason?

Perrie: I've only just met her!

Jesy: Ooh

Jade: I would just wait and stay in the friend zone for quite sometime!

Perrie: Do you think it will work out?

Jade: I'm sure it will it just takes time!

Perrie: Thanks guys

Leigh-Anne: Welcome

Jade: Welcome

Jesy: Welcome!

As you can see it says group chat #1 so there's gonna be more weird and wonderful group chats! I hoped you liked it! Updates are every Friday!

Stay awesome!
Phoebe ❤️💖❤️💖

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