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Perrie's POV

"Jade I need you and the girls to come to the bridge by Oxford Street" I sob down the phone.

"Why, Perrie, what's going on?" Jade says worried.

"Just come here" I choke. Once I get off the phone I run down the steps of the bridge and see Y/N with her eyes shut and blood pouring out of her head.

"Oh Y/N why?" I say rocking her. I take off my jacket and try to stop the bleeding. It does down a bit but still bleeds.

"Everything is going to be ok" I say as a tear rolls down my cheek and on to her face.

"Perrie?" I hear Jade shout.

"Down here Jade!" I yell.

"Oh Perrie" Jade sighs when she sees Y/N

"Where the others?" I ask looking over her shoulder.

"They went out over an hour ago I phoned them and they said they would meet us at the hospital" Jade replies.

"Is the ambulance coming?" I croak.

"Yes they should be here in 5" Jade says as I clutch Y/N closer.

I then hear sirens and a ambulance screeched onto the street. A male paramedic jumped out the passenger seat clutching a bag of supplies.

"What seems to be the problem?" The paramedic asked crouching to my level to look at Y/N.

"She jumped off the bridge" I croaked looking up at the paramedic.

"Oh ok can I please look at her?" The paramedic asked causing me to let go of Y/N and place her in front of me. The paramedic checked her pulse.

"She has a pulse but she's out cold" The paramedic explains to the female paramedic that was driving the ambulance.

"Would you like to travel in the ambulance with...?" The female paramedic's voice trailed off because she didn't know Y/N name.

"Y/N, her name is Y/N" I say

"Oh ok, would you like to ride in the ambulance with Y/N?" The paramedic asked lifting Y/N on a stretcher.

"Ok" I say getting up off the floor and on to the ambulance.

"See you at the hospital Pez" Jade said walking to her car.

"See you Jadey" I smile a little as the ambulance doors close and the paramedic's jump in the front.

"It's going to be ok y/n" I say grabbing y/n hand and holding close to my chest.

Jade's POV

"Jade what happened?" Jesy asks running to me with Leigh following close behind her.

"Y/N jumped off a bridge" I reply.

"What, why?" Leigh ask shocked.

"Don't know" I say shrugging.

"Where's Pez?" Jesy asks looking around the hospital waiting room.

"She coming in the ambulance with y/n" I exclaim.

"Is y/n ok?"

"I think so" I reply

"She can't die Pez will be heartbroken I can see her upset over love again" Jesy says shaking her head. I then see Perrie running behind y/n on a stretcher.

"Pez" The three of us yell and we all run to hug Perrie.

"I have to see y/n" Perrie says pulling away from us and running after the stretcher.

"Should we follow her?" Leigh asks.

"I would let Pez have sometime with y/n" I say

"I'm going to get some food, wanna come?' Jesy asks walking away.

"Yeah sure" I reply getting up.


After eating we bought a sandwich for Perrie and went to find y/n's hospital room.

"Pez are you ok?" Leigh asks once we walked into the room. Perrie's eyes were puffy and red it was obvious she has been crying.

"Y/N has been put into a coma" Perrie whaled.

"Oh come here Pez" I say wrapping my arms around Perrie.

"I don't want her to die" Perrie sobbed into my shoulder.

"She'll be right as rain in no time" I reply.

"What if she's not" Perrie said.

"Well, why don't you do something nice if y/n hasn't got long left?" I suggest.

"Well she did like letters and receiving notes" Perrie said.

"What about writing letters for everyday Y/N is in a coma and when she wakes up she can read one of your letters' I say smiling at Perrie.

"What if she doesn't wake up?" Perrie sobs louder into my shoulder.

"She will" I reassure

"You promise?" Perrie asked.

"I promise" I say linking pinkies with Perrie

I hoped you liked it! Do you think you will live?

Stay awesome!
Phoebe ❤️💖❤️💖❤️

How I Fell In Love With You  (Perrie/You) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now