A New Start (Harry Styles Fanfic)

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Hi guys! So im new to this, havent really written before, but i read so many fanfics, and ive always wanted to have a go, so i have :) 

A new start. That’s what I wanted. I wanted to get away from home and just leave behind everything that had happened in the past.

I sipped my coffee, sitting outside Starbucks, watching people go by. I always found that interesting. Every person had their own story. Some were rushing to work, some going to see a friend or family member, others just out for a leisurely stroll.

As I watched, I let my mind wander. London had been my big plan my whole life, and now I was finally here! Okay, the circumstances of getting here weren’t exactly what I had hoped for, but I was here now, and that’s what mattered. I’d run away from home. I thought back to that day, and shuddered at how close I was to being caught…

Kiera and I walked down the street, linked arms, chatting about our results. We had just been to school to collect our GSCE results, and we had both done pretty well!

“I still cant believe you got an A* in History Em! I swear you just spend the whole lessons staring at Mr. Thompsons arse!” Kiera giggled, bumping me slightly with her hip.

“Shh you. But you know, I do this thing called studying! I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of it before?” I replied, giving her a cheeky wink.

“Of course I have! I just...don’t do it!” She said, smiling innocently at me. That set us both off laughing as we turned onto my street and walked up to my front gate.

“And so this is where we part, dear friend” Kiera sighed, turning to face me, with a distraught look on her face.

I laughed at her, hoping she didn’t pick up the slight nervousness about it.

“It is! Oh how will you ever cope walking those twenty metres down the road to your house?”

“It will be tough, but I will battle on through, just like every day!”

“Oh you are so brave!” I cried, holding my hands to my heart. Keira leaned in to give me a peck on the cheek, but I grabbed her and held her close, wrapping my arms around her slim figure.

“I love you Keira, you know that right? My best friend for forever and always!” I whispered in her ear.

“Of course love! I love you too!” She replied, hugging me tightly back. I didn’t want to let her go, but eventually I pulled back and stood in front of her again.

“Now don’t you go forgetting that will you!” I said as I turned to open to garden gate.

“Never!” She exclaimed, as she leant back in and swiftly pecked me on the cheek, I pecked her back, and then watched her spin and walk down the street towards her house. When she reached her house, we both turned and walked simultaneously down the path to the front door, before turning to face each other. We blew each other a kiss, and caught each other’s, before waving and opening our separate front doors. Our daily routine. But this would be the last time. As I opened the door, my breath hitched slightly; that would be the last time I saw Keiras face, the last time we walked down our garden paths together, the last time we could just… chat. I took  one last look at her, as I took a deep breath and stepped inside. I walked down the hallway, and went into the open plan kitchen/living room, to see my dad sprawled, as per usual, across the sofa, an empty beer can sitting on the floor next to him.

“Hey Daddy” I smiled at him as I walked in. No acknowledgment, surprise surprise. I walked over the fridge, and got out the apple juice cartoon, before grabbing a glass and pouring myself a drink. I hoisted myself up onto the island, and sipped at my drink, waiting.

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