Chapter 3

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Next chapter guys :) sorry if its not as good, im feeling really rough atm, but oh well :)



Chapter 3

*Harry's P.O.V*

I closed the door behind me, and started to make my way over to the couch. I sat down next to Louis’ feet, who was sprawled across the sofa, his eyes intently fixed on the TV screen.

“Whatcha watching Lou?” I asked him, a small smile playing at the edges of my lips. As soon as he registered I was there, he shot up, and started rapidly firing questions at me.

“Who? What? Why? How? Where? When?” He questioned, bouncing up and down on the sofa like a little kid who had eaten too many sweets.

“Sshhhh!” I slapped my hand over his mouth, “She might hear you!” Louis’ eyes went wide for a moment, before I saw a mischievous glint appear in them. Uh Oh. I suddenly then felt something wet wipe across the inside of my hand.

“Ewww Lou!  That’s so gross!” I exclaimed, retrieving my hand and wiping it down his trousers. He just grinned innocently at me.

“And anyway, to answer your questions. Her name is Emily, like I told you, umm, I was on my way home when I turned a corner and walked straight into her, which caused her to spill her coffee all down her front,” I paused there, remembering the look of shock that registered on her face, and her standing back up, and seeing the liquid soak through her shirt, giving me a clear view of her bra and.. “And she said she had a job interview, so I offered that she came back here and borrowed one of my shirts, so that she didn’t look a mess for the interview.” I finished, flashing Lou a smile.

“Aww Hazza you’re too kind!” He grinned, pinching my cheek. “But seriously, she fit!”

I felt some heat rush to my cheeks. “I know” I mumbled. She had the most beautiful deep blue eyes I had ever seen, and her brunette hair framed her face perfectly, falling just below her shoulders, with a side parting and a slight fringe.

“Someone’s blushing!” Louis giggled, poking my side. I slapped his hand away.

“Shut up!” I said, although I knew it was true. She appeared to be very delicate, and I found that adorable about her. Just thinking about her made a smile appear on my face. Louis leaned forward towards me.

“Mate, you should get her number or something.” He said.

“Oh, I don’t know, do you not think she will think I’m being needy or weird, and just say no?” I replied, “Or maybe she believes everything in the papers, and thinks I’m just looking for a fling with a girl that won’t cause much fuss or…” But Louis cut me off.

“You like her don’t you?” He asked bluntly. That made me think. Did I like her? I’d only just met the girl for goodness sake, but there was definitely something about her. I knew I wanted to know more about her. And she was so beautiful.

“I don’t know, but I do wanna know her better.” I replied quietly, looking at the floor.

“Get her number then!” Louis concluded. I was then that we heard a small cough, and both our heads whipped round to see where it had come from. I felt heat spread to my cheeks. Oh god! Had she heard what we were saying? Please let the answer to that be no! Please, please, please! She looked down at her watch, and horror spread across her face.

“Shit!” She exclaimed, as she ran her hand through that beautiful hair of hers.

“What is it?” I asked her, jumping up from my seat so that I could help her out.

“My interview started five minutes ago!” She cried out, as she started to head towards the door. She wasn’t getting away that easily!

“Oh, okay, here I’ll take you back downstairs.” I told her, opening up the front door for her. As I turned around to shut the door, Loiuis caught my eye and winked at me. Urgh, I hope she didn’t see that. I shot him a frown back, hoping he caught on the bad vibes I was sending him. Should I ask for her number? There’s no harm in that surely? But what if she says no? That will be so embarrassing! It’s just her number for god’s sake! Just ask for it, if she says no, you’re never going to see her again, so what’s the big deal? But I want to see her again, I know I do. I snapped out of my thoughts, to realise that we had reached the lobby already. I saw Mark stand up. This is it Harry, don’t be such a coward and just ask her.

“Can I have your number?” Phew, glad I got that off my chest. I watched her face, and saw it drop slightly. Shit, she doesn’t want me to have it. Stupid Harry, why did you blurt that out? I wish Louis had never said anything to me.

“I..W-well, I…” I felt my cheeks redden, and looked down at the ground, trying to hide my embarrassment. I knew it. I was right. I should never have listened to Louis.

“Don’t worry about it if you don’t want to.” I told her, still not able to look at her properly.

“N-no, Harry it’s not that. It’s just well, I kinda don’t have a phone!” She said shyly, blood rushing to her cheeks. Wow, she looked even more beautiful when she blushed.

“Oh, well…” I began, about to tell her that it wasn’t a problem, what about an e-mail or something, but she cut me off.

“Look Harry, I’m sorry but I really have to go! Thank you so much for helping me out and stuff! You’re a lifesaver!” She said, before leaning in and wrapping her arms around my neck. Well I wasn’t expecting that! I hugged her back, enjoying the feel of her body, breathing in her scent of strawberries. Wow, did I just smell her hair? Jeez Harry.

“You’re welcome” I told her, as she pulled back from the hug, all too soon for my liking. I didn’t really register what happened, still caught up in my thoughts from hugging her, but I distantly heard her thanking me again, before leaving out the front door with Mark. I snapped out of my trance, realising she had gone. Damn, I didn’t even get any way of contacting her again!

I dragged myself back up the stairs, and back into mine and Lou’s apartment. Louis was in the kitchen, making himself a sandwich, and when he heard the sound of the door shutting, he looked up to me.

“So..? Did you get her number?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

“No,” I mumbled. “She doesn’t have a phone, and left before I had the chance to ask her for anything else.” I sighed, plopping myself down onto the sofa.

“Oh well Haz,” Louis said sitting down next to me and flinging his arm round my shoulder, resting the plate with his sandwich on his lap. “Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.”

“Maybe…” I trailed off, watching Louis bite into his sandwich and focus on the TV again. But if it wasn’t meant to be, why did I feel so crushed now, knowing that I had no way of getting in touch with her again? Something then clicked inside of me, a plan forming in my head. I HAD to see her again, and I knew exactly how.


Whats his plan then? ;)

hope you liked it!



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