Chapter 16

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So this chapter is dedicated to lucyxox, because well, that girl has some serious talent.

Honestly,  every one of you NEEDS to go and read her fanfic All You Need Is Love. One of the best things I've read. GO READ IT. 

okay, so that's off my chest.

Longer chapter to try and make up for the fact that I don't update very often! enjoy! (:


Chapter 16

Emily’s P.O.V


Urgh, shut up! Groaning, I rolled onto my side and slammed my hand down on my alarm, switching off that ear splitting noise. I tried to open my eyes, but the light almost blinded me. Squinting, I peered at my clock. Half nine. So that gives me….just over an hour to get ready. Okay. That’s manageable.

I rolled out of bed, and stood up quickly. Woah…head rush. I staggered to my door and pulled it open. Neither of the boys were in the living room. Of course not, they’ll still be sound asleep! I walked over to the fridge, grabbing the apple juice and pouring myself a glass. I hopped up onto a bar stool, and began sipping my drink.

Whilst I was still finishing my drink, the door to the cinema room slowly creaked open, and a very tired looking Zayn poked his head out. He looked around the room, his eyes finally settling on me.

“What time is it?” He asked, his voice thick with sleep. He reached a hand up and tugged it through his messy hair. His fringe was sticking in all sorts of directions, and the back was completely stuck up on end.

“About half nine.” I told him, smirking. He grumbled slightly, and ran his hands repeatedly over his face.

“Zayn go back to sleep.” He nodded at this, and just before his head disappeared again, I called out, “Nice hair by the way!”

“Oh piss off!” He shouted back, slamming the door. Chuckling to myself, I hopped off the stool and placed my glass next to the sink. I made my way into my bathroom, and climbed into the shower.

Twenty minutes later, and I was sat on my bed, my towel wrapped around my body, and my hair dripping all over the bed covers. I know I have to wear work clothes to see Jake, seeing as I’m going to work straight after, but I still want to look nice. That means trying to find nice work clothes. That’s a challenge.

Sighing, I began routing through my clothes, before finally settling on a white blouse and tight black trousers. I pulled them on, tucking in the shirt, and ruffling it up a bit at the bottom. I then pulled on my black cardigan. Sorted.

I don’t really like wearing a lot of make-up; I just stick with the bare minimum. Some foundation, mascara and lip balm. Today however, I decided to add a bit of blusher as well, just to give me a bit more colour.

My hair is always a bit of a hopeless case, so I just tied it up into a messy bun. Ready. My eyes flicked over to my clock. 10.40am. Perfect timing or what? Grabbing my handbag from my door, I walked out into the living room. Please let the boys still…

“Where you going Em?” Shoot. I turned to see Harry in the kitchen, getting himself some cereal.

“Out,” I told him, heading towards the front door.

“But I thought you didn’t have to be at work until 12?” He asked, looking confused.

“Yeah…I umm…have some errands to run beforehand…” I muttered. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at me, before seeming to decide to drop the subject. He shrugged his shoulders, and continued on with making his breakfast.  

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